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EDT Emulation Fix for Cygwin

From: Kevin Gallagher
Subject: EDT Emulation Fix for Cygwin
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 00:44:49 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061025)

I am the maintainer of the EDT Emulation package for Emacs. The attached patch to the
pretest does two things:

1. Updates the EDT file headers with a current email address where users can contact me for support and it corrects a small error in the documentation. (Note: this address
is different from the one I use for Emacs pretest communication.)
2. I also modified code in two of the files to fix a problem that appears only on Cygwin, so far. The package generates a custom key map file, embedding the name of the Window Manager into the file name. In Cygwin, the Window Manager name has a forward slash in it ("/"), breaking the existing code. The patch adds logic to replace any slashes in the generated file name with a character permitted in file names.


Kevin Gallagher

Attachment: edt-fix.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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