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Re: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: address@hidden: Customize valuemenudoesn'trecognizemouse-2]
Date: Wed, 02 Aug 2006 20:59:58 +0300

> From: "Drew Adams" <address@hidden>
> Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 09:16:29 -0700
>     > Mouse-2 is the standard way to activate anything in the
>     > buffer in Emacs. Mouse-1 also works but with some complications.
>     > I don't think we should make anything that fails to activate
>     > with Mouse-2.
>     Even though, if a user clicks mouse-2 on a button to open the value
>     menu, she will then need to use only mouse-1 to select items from that
>     menu?  That doesn't seem a good UI to me.
> My bug report was precisely to eliminate that inconsistency and annoyance.
> But, as I stated, I would prefer that consistency be achieved by upgrading,
> not downgrading: mouse-2 should both open the value menu and let you choose
> an item from it.

Drew, you've told this about umpteen times already, and I'm sure we
all understood you the first time.  Please try to refrain from
repeating the same text again and again, this thread is long as it is


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