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Unwanted ^M in the output from shell-command-on-region

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Unwanted ^M in the output from shell-command-on-region
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 22:07:29 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060308)

This is a problem on w32, but might be more general. I can not understand how to get rid of ^M from the output of the program Tidy when I run it with `shell-command-on-region' (or in other ways). From the documentation it looks like `coding-system-for-read' or `coding-system-for-write' should be used, but setting them does not remove ^M.

I have made an example below. It uses the program Tidy from http://tidy.sourceforge.net/trt/tidy_win32.zip. (Tidy is a program for (X)HTML curing.)

I am doing this on w32 with GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.0.2195) of 2006-05-13

*** Example code:

(defvar temp-html
 ;; Start-here
") ;; Stop-here

(defun temp-c-m()
 (let* ((temp-buffer (get-buffer-create "temp-c-m"))
        (start (save-excursion
                 (goto-char (point-min))
                 (search-forward "Start-here")
                 (forward-line 2)
        (end (save-excursion
               (goto-char start)
               (search-forward "Stop-here")
         (concat "c:/dl/programs/Tidy.exe"
        (coding-system-for-read 'undecided-dos)
        (coding-system-for-write 'undecided-dos)
   (with-current-buffer temp-buffer
   (shell-command-on-region start end command temp-buffer nil)
   (with-current-buffer temp-buffer
     (goto-char (point-max))
     (insert (current-time-string) "\n\n"))


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