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Re: html2text

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: html2text
Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 16:51:34 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sat, Nov 06 2004, Jari Aalto+mail.emacs wrote:

> This is your copy. Article has been posted to the newsgroup(s).

I didn't see your message on emacs-devel, see

> * Sun 2004-10-31 Alfred Szmidt <ams AT kemisten.nu> gmane.emacs.devel
> * Message-Id: 1099247139.071920.12084.nullmailer AT Update.UU.SE
> | html2text is quite nice, but it doesn't strip all HTML files into
> | something that is readable.  The following patch makes it strip some
> | "newer" tags that have croped up.
> There is more entities. This patch is against the Gnus CVS, but I
> assume it will work for Emacs as well. The entities are in
> alphabetical order.
> 2004-11-06 Sat  Jari Aalto  <jari dot aalto A T cante dot net>
>         * text2html (html2text-replace-list). Added more HTML 4.0
>         entities.

It seems you have signed papers for Emacs as you are listed in the
AUTHORS file.  But I can't check it myself.  Could you please confirm?

[ The suggested patch from Jari's original message was: ]

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
--- html2text.el.7.10   2004-11-06 17:20:46.000000000 +0200
+++ html2text.el        2004-11-06 17:41:12.000000000 +0200
@@ -42,8 +42,42 @@
 (defvar html2text-format-single-element-list '(("hr" . html2text-clean-hr)))

 (defvar html2text-replace-list
-  '(("&nbsp;" . " ") ("&gt;" . ">") ("&lt;" . "<") ("&quot;" . "\"")
-    ("&amp;" . "&") ("&apos;" . "'"))
+  '(("&acute;" . "`")
+    ("&amp;" . "&")
+    ("&apos;" . "'")
+    ("&brvbar;" . "|")
+    ("&cent;" . "c")
+    ("&circ;" . "^")
+    ("&copy;" . "(C)")
+    ("&curren;" . "¤")
+    ("&deg;" . "degree")
+    ("&divide;" . "/")
+    ("&euro;" . "e")
+    ("&frac12;" . "½")
+    ("&gt;" . ">")
+    ("&iquest;" . "?")
+    ("&laquo;" . "<<")
+    ("&ldquo" . "\"")
+    ("&lsaquo;" . "(")
+    ("&lsquo;" . "`")
+    ("&lt;" . "<")
+    ("&mdash;" . "--")
+    ("&nbsp;" . " ")
+    ("&ndash;" . "-")
+    ("&permil;" . "%%")
+    ("&plusmn;" . "+-")
+    ("&pound;" . "£")
+    ("&quot;" . "\"")
+    ("&raquo;" . ">>")
+    ("&rdquo" . "\"")
+    ("&reg;" . "(R)")
+    ("&rsaquo;" . ")")
+    ("&rsquo;" . "'")
+    ("&sect;" . "§")
+    ("&sup1;" . "^1")
+    ("&sup2;" . "^2")
+    ("&sup3;" . "^3")
+    ("&tilde;" . "~"))
   "The map of entity to text.
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |  http://rsteib.home.pages.de/

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