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RE: not too happy with Emacs 21 vertical-line dragging when scrollbars p

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: not too happy with Emacs 21 vertical-line dragging when scrollbars present
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 14:33:01 -0700

OK, now it's clear.

By mouse-around, I meant mouse-over.

I didn't mouse-over to find the square drag handle in Emacs 20. I saw it,
and mouse-over doesn't change the pointer in Emacs 20, so that wouldn't help
anyway. But your point is that I still had to go looking for it; and you're
right. But there was something _visible_ there to try. I didn't have to
blindly _mouse-over_ every part of the frame to find the hidden "G" spot
(for "grab" ;-) ) that did the trick.

I would prefer the "thin line on the side of the scrollbar" (all the way
up). That is common in many applications. Hopefully, it wouldn't be _too_
difficult to grab, and it would have the big advantage of being where you
expect it, and being pretty obvious (via mouse-over pointer change). You
want to drag the scroll bar? -- well, just drag it (or, that thin line all
along it).

You made the analogy with grabbing a frame edge; that's a good analogy:
everyone is used to doing that -- there is nothing exotic about grabbing and
dragging such a "thin line".

That would be a lot better, IMO, than what we have now.

 - Drew

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim F. Storm

As I said, mouse-over for a scroll-bar is out of emacs' control.  If we are
to do something here, we would add a thin line on the side of the scrollbar
and the user would have to be precise to grab that line (like grabbing the
edge of a frame)...

> Needing to mouse-over to find the existing
> tiny thin line between _mode-lines_, however, is not good. Intuitively,
> don't go mousing around between two mode-lines to find where to drag the
> scroll-bar.

Didn't you have to mouse around in 20.x to discover what the square area
I don't see the difference...

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