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Re: Emacs routinely gets stuck in single_kboard mode

From: Lőrentey Károly
Subject: Re: Emacs routinely gets stuck in single_kboard mode
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 19:12:59 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Richard Stallman <address@hidden> writes:
> Maybe it should display something saying "Locked by another keyboard"
> in all the windows for other keyboards.  That way, the person at that
> keyboard will understand why it is locked.

That is a good compromise; I'll have a go at implementing it.

> You seem to be envisioning that there is only one user, who uses
> the various different keyboards.  I've always thought in terms of
> a different user at each keyboard.  Perhaps this is why we have
> different ideas of what would be desirable.

Ah, I see.  I agree that if there are multiple users, then an unlocked
recursive edit would probably mess things up pretty badly.  Anyway, I
found that while the Emacs server is running (which is likely to be
the case when there are multiple displays), the following trick may be
used to remotely bail out of a forgotten recursive edit:

        emacsclient -e '(top-level)'

(Emacsclient needs to be killed with C-c after this.)

(Incidentally, this calls top-level from a process filter.  Is that


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