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Complex paragraph filling - how?

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Complex paragraph filling - how?
Date: 29 May 2003 02:22:09 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

In connection with the refilling of paragraphs in info due to the new
"node hiding", I need some way to fill things like the following in a
sensible manner:

 - Scheme Procedure: open path flags [mode]
 - C Function: scm_open (path, flags, mode)
     Open the file named by PATH for reading and/or writing.  FLAGS is
     an integer specifying how the file should be opened.  MODE is an
     integer specifying the permission bits of the file, if it needs to
     be created, before the umask, see Top, is applied.  The
     default is 666 (Unix itself has no default).

A simple (fill-paragraph nil) produces this result:

 - Scheme Procedure: open path flags [mode] C Function: scm_open
 - (path, flags, mode) Open the file named by PATH for reading and/or
 - writing.  FLAGS is an integer specifying how the file should be
 - opened.  MODE is an integer specifying the permission bits of the
 - file, if it needs to be created, before the umask, see Top, is
 - applied.  The default is 666 (Unix itself has no default).

But I want it to do like this:

 - Scheme Procedure: open path flags [mode]
 - C Function: scm_open (path, flags, mode)
     Open the file named by PATH for reading and/or writing.  FLAGS is
     an integer specifying how the file should be opened.  MODE is an
     integer specifying the permission bits of the file, if it needs
     to be created, before the umask, see Top is applied.  The default
     is 666 (Unix itself has no default).

i.e. it should recognize the difference in indentation and lines
starting with a - (and maybe more?) as separate paragraphs.

Do any of you have an ideas how to this e.g. by tweaking the
paragraph related regexps.

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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