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Re: Cyrillic vs UTF-8

From: Dave Love
Subject: Re: Cyrillic vs UTF-8
Date: 04 May 2003 12:04:13 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Kenichi Handa <address@hidden> writes:

> Dave, do you have anything else to add to that file?

Probably yes (if I thought about it) but I haven't been able to do
much work on it for ages.  In several respects it's a bit difficult to
tell what state it's in, since there are serious problems with things
like redisplay which make it essentially unusable.

> I think the most difficult task for releasing that code is
> to merge the changes into HEAD.

Yes, it will be a nightmare and things will get lost.

What is this thread all about?  I've replied to private mail to
correct misconceptions, but it seemed to be nothing to do with
Cyrillic (which I did all the recent work on as far as I know).

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