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Re: UTF-8 support for Emacs

From: Kenichi Handa
Subject: Re: UTF-8 support for Emacs
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 21:09:52 +0900 (JST)
User-agent: SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.2 Emacs/21.0.94 (sparc-sun-solaris2.6) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

address@hidden writes:
WL>  There is a very nice Elisp solution called mule-ucs which can convert
WL>  to/from UTF8 and the various character sets supported by Emacs.  It
WL>  integrates smoothlessly into Emacs.

> While Mule-UCS is very nice indeed, it is not a solution, but rather a
> workaround for the design of Mule.  As far as I know, Mule-UCS will
> not give me e.g. reliable incremental search for a string containing
> a-umlaut.


By the way, Takahashi-san has just given me a very short
UTF-8 encoder/decoder.  It decode UTF-8 into ascii, latin-1,
mule-unicode-0100-24ff, mule-unicode-2500-33ff,
mule-unicode-e000-ffff.  With this and proper Unicode based
(e.g. ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/fonts/etl-unicode.tar.gz), we
can at least read UTF-8 files except for CJK characters.

As the code is short and simple (if you know CCL :-)), I
think it's worth including in Emacs 21.  What do you think?

Of course, Mule-UCS is better, but the code is very
complicated and still needs lots of work on documentation.
Thus, I think it won't be in time for Emacs 21.

Ken'ichi HANDA

;;; utf-8.el --- Limited UTF-8 decoding/encoding support

;; Copyright (C) 2001 Electrotechnical Laboratory, JAPAN.
;; Licensed to the Free Software Foundation.

;; Keywords: multilingual, Unicode, UTF-8

;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.

;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; The coding-system `mule-utf-8' supports encoding/decoding of the
;; following character sets:
;;   ascii
;;   eight-bit-control
;;   latin-iso8859-1
;;   mule-unicode-0100-24ff
;;   mule-unicode-2500-33ff
;;   mule-unicode-e000-ffff
;; Characters of other character sets cannot be encoded with
;; mule-utf-8.
;; On decoding, Unicode characters that do not fit in above character
;; sets are handled as `eight-bit-control' or `eight-bit-graphic'
;; characters to retain original information (i.e. original byte
;; sequence).

;;        scalar       |               utf-8
;;        value        | 1st byte  | 2nd byte  | 3rd byte
;; --------------------+-----------+-----------+----------
;; 0000 0000 0xxx xxxx | 0xxx xxxx |           |
;; 0000 0yyy yyxx xxxx | 110y yyyy | 10xx xxxx |
;; zzzz yyyy yyxx xxxx | 1110 zzzz | 10yy yyyy | 10xx xxxx

;;; Code:

(define-ccl-program ccl-decode-mule-utf-8
  ;;        charset         | bytes in utf-8 | bytes in emacs
  ;; -----------------------+----------------+---------------
  ;;         ascii          |       1        |       1
  ;; -----------------------+----------------+---------------
  ;;    eight-bit-control   |       2        |       2
  ;;     latin-iso8859-1    |       2        |       2
  ;; -----------------------+----------------+---------------
  ;; mule-unicode-0100-24ff |       2        |       4
  ;;        (< 0800)        |                |
  ;; -----------------------+----------------+---------------
  ;; mule-unicode-0100-24ff |       3        |       4
  ;;        (>= 8000)       |                |
  ;; mule-unicode-2500-33ff |       3        |       4
  ;; mule-unicode-e000-ffff |       3        |       4
  ;; Thus magnification factor is two.
      (read r0)

      ;; 1byte encoding, i.e., ascii
      (if (r0 < #x80)
          (write r0)

        ;; 2byte encoding
        (if (r0 < #xe0)
            ((read r1)
             (r0 &= #x1f)
             (r0 <<= 6)
             (r1 &= #x3f)
             (r1 += r0)
             ;; now r1 holds scalar value

             ;; eight-bit-control
             (if (r1 < 160)
                 ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control))
                  (write-multibyte-character r0 r1))

               ;; latin-iso8859-1
               (if (r1 < 256)
                   ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'latin-iso8859-1))
                    (r1 -= 128)
                    (write-multibyte-character r0 r1))

                 ;; mule-unicode-0100-24ff (< 0800)
                 ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff))
                  (r1 -= #x0100)
                  (r2 = (((r1 / 96) + 32) << 7))
                  (r1 %= 96)
                  (r1 += (r2 + 32))
                  (write-multibyte-character r0 r1)))))

          ;; 3byte encoding
          (if (r0 < #xf0)
              ((read r1 r2)
               (r3 = ((r0 & #x0f) << 12))
               (r3 += ((r1 & #x3f) << 6))
               (r3 += (r2 & #x3f))
               ;; now r3 holds scalar value

               ;; mule-unicode-0100-24ff (>= 0800)
               (if (r3 < #x2500)
                   ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff))
                    (r3 -= #x0100)
                    (r3 //= 96)
                    (r1 = (r7 + 32))
                    (r1 += ((r3 + 32) << 7))
                    (write-multibyte-character r0 r1))

                 ;; mule-unicode-2500-33ff
                 (if (r3 < #x3400)
                     ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-2500-33ff))
                      (r3 -= #x2500)
                      (r3 //= 96)
                      (r1 = (r7 + 32))
                      (r1 += ((r3 + 32) << 7))
                      (write-multibyte-character r0 r1))

                   ;; U+3400 .. U+DFFF
                   ;; keep those bytes as eight-bit-{control|graphic}
                   (if (r3 < #xe000)
                       (;; #xe0 < r0 < #xf0, so r0 is eight-bit-graphic
                        (r3 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic))
                        (write-multibyte-character r3 r0)
                        (if (r1 < #xa0)
                            (r3 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control)))
                        (write-multibyte-character r3 r1)
                        (if (r2 < #xa0)
                            (r3 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control))
                          (r3 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic)))
                        (write-multibyte-character r3 r2))

                     ;; mule-unicode-e000-ffff
                     ((r0 = ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-e000-ffff))
                      (r3 -= #xe000)
                      (r3 //= 96)
                      (r1 = (r7 + 32))
                      (r1 += ((r3 + 32) << 7))
                      (write-multibyte-character r0 r1))))))

            ;; 4byte encoding
            ;; keep those bytes as eight-bit-{control|graphic}
            ((read r1 r2 r3)
             ;; r0 > #xf0, thus eight-bit-graphic
             (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic))
             (write-multibyte-character r4 r0)
             (if (r1 < #xa0)
                 (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control)))
             (write-multibyte-character r4 r1)
             (if (r2 < #xa0)
                 (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control))
               (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic)))
             (write-multibyte-character r4 r2)
             (if (r3 < #xa0)
                 (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control))
               (r4 = ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic)))
             (write-multibyte-character r4 r3)))))


  "CCL program to decode UTF-8 into ascii, eight-bit-control, latin-iso8859-1 
and mule-unicode-*.")

(define-ccl-program ccl-encode-mule-utf-8
     (read-multibyte-character r0 r1)

     (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'ascii))
         (write r1)

       (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'latin-iso8859-1))
           ;; r1          scalar                  utf-8
           ;;       0000 0yyy yyxx xxxx    110y yyyy 10xx xxxx
           ;; 20    0000 0000 1010 0000    1100 0010 1010 0000
           ;; 7f    0000 0000 1111 1111    1100 0011 1011 1111
           ((r0 = (((r1 & #x40) >> 6) | #xc2))
            (r1 &= #x3f)
            (r1 |= #x80)
            (write r0 r1))

         (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-0100-24ff))
             ((r0 = ((((r1 & #x3f80) >> 7) - 32) * 96))
              ;; #x3f80 == (0011 1111 1000 0000)b
              (r1 &= #x7f)
              (r1 += (r0 + 224))        ; 240 == -32 + #x0100
              ;; now r1 holds scalar value
              (if (r1 < #x0800)
                  ;; 2byte encoding
                  ((r0 = (((r1 & #x07c0) >> 6) | #xc0))
                   ;; #x07c0 == (0000 0111 1100 0000)b
                   (r1 &= #x3f)
                   (r1 |= #x80)
                   (write r0 r1))
                ;; 3byte encoding
                ((r0 = (((r1 & #xf000) >> 12) | #xe0))
                 (r2 = ((r1 & #x3f) | #x80))
                 (r1 &= #x0fc0)
                 (r1 >>= 6)
                 (r1 |= #x80)
                 (write r0 r1 r2))))

           (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-2500-33ff))
               ((r0 = ((((r1 & #x3f80) >> 7) - 32) * 96))
                (r1 &= #x7f)
                (r1 += (r0 + 9440))     ; 9440 == -32 + #x2500
                (r0 = (((r1 & #xf000) >> 12) | #xe0))
                (r2 = ((r1 & #x3f) | #x80))
                (r1 &= #x0fc0)
                (r1 >>= 6)
                (r1 |= #x80)
                (write r0 r1 r2))

             (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'mule-unicode-e000-ffff))
                 ((r0 = ((((r1 & #x3f80) >> 7) - 32) * 96))
                  (r1 &= #x7f)
                  (r1 += (r0 + 57312))  ; 57312 == -160 + #xe000
                  (r0 = (((r1 & #xf000) >> 12) | #xe0))
                  (r2 = ((r1 & #x3f) | #x80))
                  (r1 &= #x0fc0)
                  (r1 >>= 6)
                  (r1 |= #x80)
                  (write r0 r1 r2))

               (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-control))
                   ;; r1          scalar                  utf-8
                   ;;       0000 0yyy yyxx xxxx    110y yyyy 10xx xxxx
                   ;; 80    0000 0000 1000 0000    1100 0010 1000 0000
                   ;; 9f    0000 0000 1001 1111    1100 0010 1001 1111
                   (write r1)

                 (if (r0 == ,(charset-id 'eight-bit-graphic))
                     ;; r1          scalar                  utf-8
                     ;;       0000 0yyy yyxx xxxx    110y yyyy 10xx xxxx
                     ;; a0    0000 0000 1010 0000    1100 0010 1010 0000
                     ;; ff    0000 0000 1111 1111    1101 1111 1011 1111
                     (write r1)

                   ;; unsupported character.
                   ;; output U+FFFD, which is `ef bf bd' in UTF-8
                   ;; actually it never reach here
                   ((write #xef)
                    (write #xbf)
                    (write #xbd)))))))))

  "CCL program to encode ascii, eight-bit-control, latin-iso8859-1 and 
mule-unicode-*. into UTF-8.")

 'mule-utf-8 4 ?u
 "UTF-8 encoding for Emacs-supported Unicode characters.
Supported character sets are:

Unicode characters out of these ranges are decoded
into eight-bit-control or eight-bit-graphic."

 '(ccl-decode-mule-utf-8 . ccl-encode-mule-utf-8)

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