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[Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.16 bug: GNU coreutils 7.2

From: Jerry James
Subject: [Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.16 bug: GNU coreutils 7.2
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 08:40:15 -0600

Please see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=504422 for more
information.  Essentially, GNU coreutils 7.2 adds a new character to
the long listing produced by ls.  The mode bits are now followed by a
single character:
- A space to indicate no alternate access methods;
- A period to indicate an SELinux context, but no other alternate access
- A plus for anything else.

ACLs are considered "alternate access methods".  This extra character
breaks lots of scripts, so naturally the GNU coreutils maintainers
added a switch to suppress printing it.

Ha ha!  Just kidding!  There's no (documented, in any case) way to
turn it off.  The upshot is that dired is broken on Fedora 11.  I
would appreciate any suggestions on how to address this problem.  Here
is an example of a long listing in the new format:

address@hidden TeX]$ ls -l
total 180
drwxr-xr-x. 2 jamesjer users  4096 2006-03-05 22:10 bst
-rw-r--r--. 1 jamesjer users 41216 2006-03-05 20:13 llncs.cls
-rw-r--r--. 1 jamesjer users 34028 2006-11-12 16:05 sigplanconf.cls
-rw-r--r--. 1 jamesjer users 95715 2006-11-12 16:06 sigplanconf-guide.pdf

Emacs  : XEmacs 21.5  (beta28) "fuki" [Lucid] (x86_64-redhat-linux,
Mule) of Sun Mar  8 2009 on x86-1.fedora.phx.redhat.com
Package: Dired

current state:
 dired-version "7.16"
 dired-backup-if-overwrite nil
 dired-chown-program "chown"
 dired-cleanup-alist '(("tex" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".dvi")
                       ("latex" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".idx" ".lof" ".lot"
                        ".glo" ".dvi")
                       ("bibtex" ".blg" ".bbl")
                       ("texinfo" ".cp" ".cps" ".fn" ".fns" ".ky" ".kys" ".pg"
                        ".pgs" ".tp" ".tps" ".vr" ".vrs")
                       ("patch" ".rej" ".orig") ("backups" "~")
                       ("completion-ignored-extensions" ".o" ".elc" "~"
                        ".class" ".dvi" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".lof" ".blg"
                        ".bbl" ".glo" ".idx" ".a" ".ln" ".bin" ".lbin" ".fasl"
                        ".lot" ".fmt" ".diff" ".oi")
 dired-compression-method 'gzip
 dired-compression-method-alist '((gzip ".gz" ("gzip") ("gzip" "-d") "-f")
                                  (compress ".Z" ("compress" "-f")
                                   ("compress" "-d") "-f")
                                  (pack ".z" ("pack" "-f") ("unpack"))
                                  (compact ".C" ("compact") ("uncompact"))
                                  (bzip2 ".bz2" ("bzip2") ("bunzip2") "-f"))
 dired-copy-preserve-time t
 dired-dwim-target nil
 dired-failed-marker-shell ?!
 dired-filename-re-ext "\\..+\\'"
 dired-find-subdir nil
 dired-gnutar-program nil
 dired-keep-marker-compress t
 dired-keep-marker-copy ?C
 dired-keep-marker-hardlink ?H
 dired-keep-marker-kill ?K
 dired-keep-marker-rename t
 dired-keep-marker-symlink ?S
 dired-keep-marker-uucode ?U
 dired-kept-versions 2
 dired-listing-switches "-alF"
 dired-local-variables-file ".dired"
 dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks t
 dired-ls-locale nil
 dired-ls-program "ls"
 dired-mail-reader 'vm
 dired-mode-line-modified "-%s%s%s-"
 dired-no-confirm nil
 dired-omit-extensions '(".oi" ".diff" ".fmt" ".fasl" ".lbin" ".bin" ".ln"
                         ".a" ".class" ".elc" ".o" "~" ".orig" ".rej" ".vrs"
                         ".vr" ".tps" ".tp" ".pgs" ".pg" ".kys" ".ky" ".fns"
                         ".fn" ".cps" ".cp" ".bbl" ".blg" ".glo" ".lot" ".lof"
                         ".idx" ".dvi" ".aux" ".log" ".toc")
 dired-omit-files nil
 dired-omit-regexps '("\\`#" "\\`\\.")
 dired-refresh-automatically t
 dired-show-ls-switches nil
 dired-trivial-filenames "\\`\\.\\.?\\'\\|\\`#"
 dired-unshar-program nil
 dired-use-file-transformers t
 dired-verify-modtimes t
 reporter-version "Your version of reporter is obsolete.  Please upgrade."
Jerry James

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