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[Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.14 bug: Failure to parse ls output on Mac OS

From: Dan Poirier
Subject: [Elisp-code-dired] Dired 7.14 bug: Failure to parse ls output on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2007 16:26:03 -0600

This is a followup to a previous report on this problem.  I never got
any response so I'm not sure if it ever got sent.  I'll paste this one
into my normal mail program to be sure.

Basically, dired in xemacs on Mac OS X 10.5 fails to load most directories. The error
message is "no file on this line".

The cause appears to be a new output format for ls in Mac OS X 10.5
"Leopard".  Here's a sample:

drwx------@   3 poirier  staff      102 Dec  7 06:21 .cups
drwxr-xr-x    3 poirier  staff      102 Nov 30 16:19 .eclipse
-rw-r--r--    1 poirier  staff      110 Dec 12 19:02 .eclipse_keyring
lrwxr-xr-x 1 poirier staff 25 Dec 1 08:03 .unison -> /Users/ poirier/svn/unison
drwx------+   7 poirier  staff      238 Dec 24 12:40 Desktop

Note that many lines have an additional character stuck on the end of
the permissions.  Setting dired-ls-program to point to a little shell
script that ran the output of ls through "cut -c 1-10,12-" fixed it,
which I think confirms the cause.

One way to fix dired was to change the constant value 17 to 18 at two
places around line 2786 of dired.el.  (This is in

Unfortunately I don't know if that change would break dired on other
systems.  I suspect that it would.

Please let me know if I can provide additional information to help
diagnose this, or test possible fixes.

Dan Poirier

Emacs : XEmacs 21.4 (patch 21) "Educational Television" [Lucid] (i386- apple-darwin9.1.0, Mule) of Thu Dec 20 2007 on leo.mynet
Package: Dired

current state:
 dired-version "7.14"
 dired-backup-if-overwrite nil
 dired-chown-program "/etc/chown"
 dired-cleanup-alist '(("tex" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".dvi")
("latex" ".toc" ".log" ".aux" ".idx" ".lof" ".lot" ".glo" ".dvi")
                       ("bibtex" ".blg" ".bbl")
("texinfo" ".cp" ".cps" ".fn" ".fns" ".ky" ".kys" ".pg" ".pgs" ".tp"
                        ".tps" ".vr" ".vrs")
                       ("patch" ".rej" ".orig") ("backups" "~")
("completion-ignored-extensions" "CM/" "CVS/" ".o" ".obj" ".elc" "~"
                        ".bin" ".lbin" ".dvi" ".class")
 dired-compression-method 'gzip
dired-compression-method-alist '((gzip ".gz" ("gzip") ("gzip" "-d") "-f") (compress ".Z" ("compress" "-f") ("compress" "-d") "-f")
                                  (pack ".z" ("pack" "-f") ("unpack"))
(compact ".C" ("compact") ("uncompact")) (bzip2 ".bz2" ("bzip2") ("bunzip2") "-f"))
 dired-copy-preserve-time t
 dired-dwim-target nil
 dired-failed-marker-shell ?!
 dired-filename-re-ext "\\..+\\'"
 dired-find-subdir nil
 dired-gnutar-program nil
 dired-keep-marker-compress t
 dired-keep-marker-copy ?C
 dired-keep-marker-hardlink ?H
 dired-keep-marker-kill ?K
 dired-keep-marker-rename t
 dired-keep-marker-symlink ?S
 dired-keep-marker-uucode ?U
 dired-kept-versions 2
 dired-listing-switches "-al"
 dired-local-variables-file ".dired"
 dired-ls-F-marks-symlinks nil
 dired-ls-locale nil
 dired-ls-program "ls"
 dired-mail-reader 'vm
 dired-mode-line-modified "-%s%s%s-"
 dired-no-confirm nil
dired-omit-extensions '(".class" ".lbin" ".bin" ".elc" ".obj" ".o" "CVS/" "CM/" "~" ".orig" ".rej" ".vrs" ".vr" ".tps" ".tp" ".pgs" ".pg" ".kys" ".ky" ".fns" ".fn" ".cps" ".cp" ".bbl" ".blg" ".glo" ".lot" ".lof" ".idx" ".dvi"
                         ".aux" ".log" ".toc")
 dired-omit-files nil
 dired-omit-regexps '("\\`#" "\\`\\.")
 dired-refresh-automatically t
 dired-show-ls-switches nil
 dired-trivial-filenames "\\`\\.\\.?\\'\\|\\`#"
 dired-unshar-program nil
 dired-use-file-transformers t
 dired-verify-modtimes nil
reporter-version "Your version of reporter is obsolete. Please upgrade."

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