Fórum Mundial de Educação
Comitê de Organização
Ata da Reunião de 17 de abril de 2002
World Education Forum
Organization Committee
Report - Meeting held on April 17th. 2002
Were present in the meeting the following entities members of the World
Education Forum Organization Committee:
Associação dos Docentes da Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ADULBRA),
Instituto Porto Alegre (IPA), Sindicato Nacional dos Servidores da
Educação Básica e Profissional (SINASEFE), Confederação Nacional dos
Trabalhadores em Estabelecimentos de Ensino (CONTEE), Federação dos
Trabalhadores em Estabelecimentos de Ensino no Estado do Rio Grande do
Sul (FETEE-SUL), Superintendência de Educação Profissional do Rio Grande
do Sul (SUEPRO-RS), Diretório Acadêmico da Faculdade de Letras da FAPA,
ATTAC/RS, Associação dos Orientadores Educacionais do Rio Grande do Sul
(AOERGS), Conselho Municipal de Educação de Porto Alegre, Equipes
Docentes, Grupo de Estudos de Interdisciplinaridade e Filosofia (GEIF),
ONG Instituto Trabalho e Educação, Federação Nacional de Educação e
Integração dos Surdos (FENEIS), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
(UFRGS), Faculdade de Filosofia Imaculada Conceição (FAFIMC), Centro de
Assessoria Multiprofissional (CAMP), União Nacional dos Estudantes (UNE),
Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação Pública, Instituto Brasileiro
de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE), Conselho de Participação e
Desenvolvimento da Comunidade Negra do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
(CODENE), Secretaria da Coordenação e Planejamento do Estado do Rio Grande
do Sul, União da Juventude Socialista (UJS), Sindicato dos Professores do
Rio Grande do Sul (SINPRO/RS), Fundação para o Desenvolvimento
Ecologicamente Sustando (ECOFUND), Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos
(UNISINOS), E.M.E.F. Vereador Carlos Pessoa de Brum, TV Unisinos,
Orquestra de Flautas da E.M.E.F. Heitor Vila Lobos, Conselho Federal de
Psicologia, Conselho Regional de Psicologia/12ª Região/Santa Catarina
(CRP/12), Sociedade de Psicologia do Rio Grande do Sul (SOCPSICO),
Universidade Bandeirante de São Paulo (UNIBAN), FórumZinho Social Mundial,
Instituto Paulo Freire (IPF), Porto Alegre Convention Bureau, Consulado
da Hungria, Associação dos Trabalhadores em Educação de Porto Alegre
(ATEMPA), Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Educação
(ANPED), Rede IRES, Centro Universitário de Lajeado (UNIVATES), ONG Green
Wave, Associação dos Moradores e Amigos do Bairro Camaquã/POA, Rádio
Difusora Comunitária (RDC), E.M.E.F. Jean Piaget, Instituto Brasileiro de
Ação Popular (IBRAP), Movimento de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos de
Guaíba/RS ( MODHUM), Central Única dos Trabalhadores/RS (CUT/RS),
Associação Gaúcha dos Escritores Independentes (AGEI), Instituto
Brasil-África (IBÁ), Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Porto Alegre
(SMED), Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Rio Grande do Sul, Secretaria
Municipal de Educação de Aracaju/Sergipe (SEMED), Secretaria Municipal de
Educação de Pelotas/RS, Associação dos Educadores Católicos (AEC),
CPERS-Sindicato, Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação
(CNTE), Confederação dos Educadores Americanos (CEA), Universidade
Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS), ONG Educadores para a Paz, Serviço
Social do Comércio do Rio Grande do Sul (SESC/RS), Secretaria Municipal de
Indústria e Comércio/Assessorias Comunitárias (SMIC), Pontifícia
Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul/Museu de Ciências e Tecnologia
(MCT/PUCRS), Grêmio Estudantil do Colégio Protásio Alves, Diretório
Central de Estudantes da UFRGS (DCE/UFRGS), Coordenação de Comunicação
Social da Prefeitura de Porto Alegre (CCS), Escritório Porto Alegre
Turismo, Instituto de Humanização (IDH). E deliberaram:
1. Was considered as a conquest of all educators and the World Education
Forum the enlargement of the debate on education topics during the World
Social Forum - 2002 by the accomplishment of the Special Conference on
Education and many gatherings and seminars promoted with the participation
of several entities.
2. Was approved the enlargement of the Organization Committee, which from
now on is going to be composed by national and international entities that
may partake in the meetings by using the technologies available, having
the right to vote.
3. Was created the Executive Committee (was suggested a name changing for
Political or Thematic Council in the next meeting of the Organization
Committee), to be composed by 15 representative entities both national and
international, the roll shall be confirmed in the next meeting. The
executive Committee is assigned of presenting proposals for the
organization and programming of the second edition of the World Education
4. Was set the accomplishment of the Second Edition of the World Education
Forum in November this year, the exact date is going to be defined in the
coming days, aiming to conciliate all several events booked to this month.
5. Was confirmed the national launching of the World Education Forum II
during the 4th. National Education Congress (CONED), which is going to
take place from 23rd. to 26th. April, in São Paulo.
6. The entities members of the Organization Committee must present, in the
next meeting, proposals for the financial participation they assume in the
Second Edition of the WEF. The participation may be in form of money,
services or other possibilities. Every entity must engaged itself in the
thematic and structural accomplishment of the WEF Second Edition;
7. Was defined the opening of the application for the WEF second edition
in May, the necessary measures will have to be taken in order to assure
the process. In the next meeting the Organization Committee will define
the values for the applications.
8. The entities members of the Organization Committee must engage in the
communication actions, helping with the diffusion of the event, as well as
in the material production and technical staff support.
9. The General Topic for the second edition of the WEF will be defined in
the next gathering of the Organization Committee.
10. The next meeting of the Organization Committee was booked for May, the
16th. at 2 PM in the Auditorium of the Education Secretary (rua dos
Andradas 680, 6th floor - Porto Alegre)
Porto Alegre, April 17th. 2002
Executive Secretary
World Education Forum
Organization Committee
World Education Forum
Organization Committee
Meeting Invitation
All entity members of the Organization Committee are invited to partake in
the meeting to be held on the 16th. of May, 2002, beginning at 2 PM, in
the Smed Auditorium - Porto Alegre, in order to handle the following
1. Evaluation of the national lauching of the event, which is going to
happen during the 4th. CONED, in São Paulo, and debate local and
international launchings.
2. Definition of the Executive Committee's composition; definition of the
proposal of switching the denomination to Thematic & Political Council.
3. Definition of the schedules, so the Executive Committee may present to
the Organization Committee the proposals for structure and thematic
programming of the WEF second Edition.
4. Definition of the general topic of the WEF second Edition.
5. definition of values for applications and possible subsidy for students
and popular educators.
6. Participation of the entities in the organization of the WEF.
7. definition of the composition of the Financial Management of the WEF
second edition.
8. Communication Strategies for the WEF second Edition.
9. Reports and Requests.
All interested people may send suggestions to the E-mail:
address@hidden . Entities that won't be able to
attend the meeting may follow and participate in the meeting through the
Internet at the WEF homepage Chat rooms. Simultaneous translation to
English, Spanish and French is going to be available. The Chat Rooms are
going to open at 1h35 PM (Brasilia timezone). Entities that decide for the
on-line participation must confirm its presence by mailing to the
Organization Committee.
Porto Alegre, April 18th. 2002.
Executive Secretary