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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Duplicity 2.2.2 Released

From: Scott Hannahs
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Duplicity 2.2.2 Released
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2024 12:40:53 -0500


I agree that fasteners doesn’t see to be imported.  Not sure why.  Does duplicity have some place where it explicitly sets the path for python modules?  This is non-standard on my system but python is built to find them.

I have 4 versions of python installed.  (Uggh)

The system version which is python 3.9 (and linked to python3)

And Package installs of
python2.7  (needed for nmap but I hope to be able to dump it soon)
python3.8  (Needed for the R package I believe)
python3.10 (definitely has fasteners, can import from command line)

The first two installed pythons do not have fasteners.  Python 3.10 does.  That is why I edit all the shebangs to explicitly call python3.10.  It seems that the debian duplicity.sh is left as merely python3 but I don’t think that the Debian shell script is used on MacOS for testing.  I will get that last one fixed but I don’t think it is called by the test harness.

I will remove tox as a testing dependency.


On Feb 11, 2024, at 12:08 PM, Kenneth Loafman <kenneth@loafman.com> wrote:


Looks like module fasteners is not installed.  It's required.  Maybe you have multiple Python 3.10 versions installed and installed fasteners into the wrong one?

Look in requirements.txt for the total list of requirements and versions.  Most importantly pay attention to the ones with '==' which means that version exactly.

No, tox is not required unless you want to test against multiple versions of Python (GitLab CI).  I'll see what I can do to remove it.


On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 5:29 PM Scott Hannahs <sth@p-hall.net> wrote:

Thanks, I don’t mind extra output, but it looked like duplicity was merely repeating an error for a bad command line option.  That was very different than when I setup duplicity 2.2.1.

I am running the tests right now and will let you know how it goes.  For testing on macOS, I use the following parameters to install the dependencies and then to set the number of files to “large” and to explicitly run the correct pytest version.  Is tox not needed anymore?

    TestDepends: <<
    TestScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        ulimit -n 8192

Using pytest I get 23 command line “usage” errors.

I get a much larger number of errors:
""ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fasteners'"
 Which is why I tested running python3.10 manually and import fasteners.  Do I need to set the “PYTHONPATH” variable to anything specific?

And the very last line of testing shows way more errors that previously:
=========== 124 failed, 303 passed, 17 skipped in 112.73s (0:01:52) ============


On Feb 10, 2024, at 2:32 PM, Kenneth Loafman <kenneth@loafman.com> wrote:


Bottom line is that you can ignore all of the front matter if the tests passed.  The very last line is the one you need to look for.  It should look like this:

======================= 437 passed, 7 skipped in 485.72s (0:08:05) ==============================

with ==== filling in the line.  

I can't suppress the output of the tests, for the most part, since we use that to verify the test worked.  Catch-22.


On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 1:06 PM Kenneth Loafman <kenneth@loafman.com> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 11:43 AM Scott Hannahs via Duplicity-talk <duplicity-talk@nongnu.org> wrote:
I attempted to integrate this into my fink building package for MacOS.  However when running the test portion of the install as I had for previous versions, I got a massive number of failures.  It seems that the test is using a command line argument that is changed/deleted?  There is a massively long output log full of this message repeating the duplicity usage message.  See below the signature.

2.2.1 and 2.2.1 should behave the same.  Both test the CLI to make sure that options not valid for a command would create an error.  Massive output.  I'll try to suppress it.

I think this all worked for Duplicity 2.2.1 but something seems to have gone terribly awry.   The test commands are:
TestScript: <<
        #!/bin/sh -ev
        ulimit -n 8192
        %p/bin/python3.10 setup.py test

Instead of 'setup.py test' use 'pytest' by itself.  pyproject.toml has the pytest config defined, setup.py test does not.  I should remove it completely.

Lots of changes like these are due to the rapid changes being made in PyPA (Python Packaging Authority).  Sucks, but we have to live with it.

Let me know how it goes.  I run everything here through pytest and it works correctly.  Noisy but correct.


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