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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Dropping Python 2 support

From: Kenneth Loafman
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Dropping Python 2 support
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2020 09:05:23 -0500

OK.  We are mostly in agreement.

Python 2 is not needed if we support back to Xenial, 16.04, since it supports Python 3.5.  If we want to support Py27 for earlier distros, we're going to need to do a lot of work.  Ubuntu, for some odd reason, is still supporting Precise, 12.04.  I would not suggest trying to go back into the dark ages.

Pure Python 3 code will not be that difficult.  Better testing would help a lot.

Yes, 0.8 is stable, once we got a handle on handling unicode in exceptions.  Yet again, more testing is needed.

Other than getting setup.py to handle dual versions during install, I see no problem with supporting 0.8 for a while longer.  We will have to bite the bullet at some point, but we're not there yet..  We might even be able to support Precise if Python 2.7 is available there.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2020 at 5:39 AM edgar.soldin--- via Duplicity-talk <duplicity-talk@nongnu.org> wrote:
On 08.06.2020 10:07, Aaron via Duplicity-talk wrote:
> Hello all,
> Shall we move to 0.9 and drop Python 2 support now? In the first instance I would just suggest changing the readme, tests etc to remove Python 2 and then we can gradually remove Python 2 code (and all the compatibility junk we had to add for the dual-version support) during the 0.9 series.

is there any urgent need to remove the compatibility code? does it prohibit further development or make it specifically more difficult?

my impression is that 0.8 just got kinda stable, so i'd rather have it stabilized some more before branching a new major version that all development efforts go into.

also, while understanding that python2 is eol, cutting of all those on old machines unwilling/able to update to python3 will surely be needed at some point, but how about giving some more time, let's say end of this year. announcing the intend to switch long beforehand in the changelog would be nice too!


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