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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Duplicity 0.8.00 Released

From: Aaron Whitehouse
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Duplicity 0.8.00 Released
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 21:49:34 +0100

Hello all,

On May 29 2019, at 6:40 pm, Kenneth Loafman via Duplicity-talk <address@hidden> wrote:
A major release here!  There has been a lot of work to get to this point, and a fair bit of work still remains to be done.  You can see the full details of the changes at Milestone 0.8.00, but the two really major changes are:

I have now packaged up version 0.8.00 as a snap. You can install it by typing:
snap install duplicity --classic --beta
Please uninstall your current version of duplicity to ensure you are using the snap instead of one from apt etc.
(This will work out of the box on nearly all versions of Ubuntu. If you use a different distro and have never installed snaps before, visit this page:
https://docs.snapcraft.io/installing-snapd )

This includes the latest duplicity and all dependencies wrapped up in a self-contained bundle. You should not need to install anything else for this to work (including for all backends). As Ken says, this is the first 0.8-series release, so expect issues and test it out on data you can afford to lose (if it comes to that).

If you do test this, it would be very helpful if you could please let me know, even if the only feedback is that all worked as expected (privately or on the list is fine).

If you are giving any feedback, please also give the output of:
which duplicity
snap list | grep duplicity
and let me know which backends you used.

Kind regards,


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