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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Problems with Hubic cron tasks

From: Kenneth Loafman
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Problems with Hubic cron tasks
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2018 06:31:12 -0500

Under cron the task is running as root, not the user.  One thing to try is:

sudo -i user; duplicity --name=backup2018 ...

That will make cron run as the user.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 11:19 AM, Tapio Sokura via Duplicity-talk <address@hidden> wrote:

I'm using duplicity 0.7.16 (epel packaged, I see 0.7.17 is also available there now) with Hubic on CentOS 7, with a cron task that runs a few times per month. The command line is something like this:

duplicity incr --name backup2018 --asynchronous-upload --encrypt-sign-key 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA --use-agent --exclude-device-files --exclude-other-filesystems --log-file /location/of/hubic-backup.log --volsize 900 --allow-source-mismatch --max-blocksize 8192 /mnt/sourcedir cf+hubic://backup2018

The problem is that mostly the cron tasks are not going through. Always the error seems to be related to authentication / connecting to hubic. Here are some typical error messages:

most common:
Connection failed, please check your credentials: KeyError 'error'

a few occasions:
Connection failed, please check your credentials: AuthenticationFailed Unable to authorize client_id, invalid login/password ?

The user home directory has a .hubic_credentials file with working Hubic credentials in it. I've tried both not touching .hubic_tokens and removing the .hubic_tokens file before backup to have it recreated with fresh tokens, but it doesn't seem to work reliably either way.

When manually running duplicity from command line as the same user I seem to have better luck. Is there something special that needs to be accounted for when using cron to run duplicity? Currently I'm just setting PATH and SHELL to match what the user running duplicity has natively in a login shell.


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