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[Duplicity-talk] RSync over SSH using ssh config?

From: Duplicity Mailing List
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] RSync over SSH using ssh config?
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 21:38:49 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.2.0

Using `rsync://server_name_from_ssh_config/` (To backup to the
quote-on-quote 'home' (Chrooted) dir) resutls in:-

`Attempt 1 failed. BackendException: Error running 'rsync -e 'ssh
-oBatchMode=yes' /server_name_from_ssh_config/': returned 23, with output:`.

The correct command would be:-

`rsync -e 'ssh -oBatchMode=yes' server_name_from_ssh_config:`.

I'm almost positive this was working back in 0.6.X, 0.7 is now erroring
out. How am I meant to do it in 0.7? I tried replacing the trailing
forward slash with a colon and removing one of the protocol slashes
(`rsync://` becoming `rsync:/`), but, it ran a slightly modified command:-

`rsync -e 'ssh -oBatchMode=yes' /server_name_from_ssh_config:/`

I then tried to remove the other protocol slash and I got:-

`InvalidBackendURL: missing // - relative paths not supported for scheme
rsync: rsync:server_name_from_ssh_config:`.

Any help? What should I make my destination be?

P.S. a working rsync command, directly from the command line, would be:-

`rsync ${FILE} server_name_from_ssh_config:`

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