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[Duplicity-talk] Duply with scp (and hetzner-servers)

From: Stephan Holl
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Duply with scp (and hetzner-servers)
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 11:02:28 +0100

Hallo duply/duplicity-users,

I am trying to change my backup from ftp to scp on a german provider

I have set up passphrase-less SSH-key-auth with my backup-server which
works fine on commandline with scp/sftp.

When trying to backup with duply, the following error-message appears:
 File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/duplicity/backends.py", line
473, in run_sftp_command raise BackendException("Error running '%s'" %
commandline) duplicity.backends.BackendException: Error running 'sftp

It is obvious that duply forms the scp-url incorrect. 


Since I do not need a password, I have commented the
TARGET_PASSWORD-conf-parameter. So the ':' is wrong on this case.
Strange enough, when giving the correct PW in there it will also not
work (bit I think this is a specific configuration from the remote
server though).

My versions:
* duply v1.5.1.3
* duplicity version 0.4.11
* gpg 1.4.9




Wo ist meine Sigg? Da: http://www.holl-land.de/~sholl/sig.jpg

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