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Re: [Duplicity-talk] Is bzip2 really working?

From: cwood
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] Is bzip2 really working?
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:15:16 -0600
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.4)

Quoting Darik Horn <address@hidden>:

Any tips on verifying that the compression is working or not working?

Create a duplicity backup, get one of the output files, and do this in a
terminal window:

 $ gpg --list-packets MyDuplicityBackupFile.gpg

The archive has been compressed with bzip2 if you see this line:

  :compressed packet: algo=3

The archive has been compressed with gzip if you see this line:

 :compressed packet: algo=2

Note that GPG does not compress some kinds of data even if you give the
--compress-algo parameter.

For example, you will not get a compressed packet line on an encrypted
tgz or zip file.  Similarly, GPG does not compress things like movie or
music files.

Thanks for the help. It says algo=3, so it must be working. My first try was on website data, so it may have skipped the graphic files for compression.

I'll give it a shot on my much larger data set now!  This is a slick tool.


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