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Re: [Dragora-bug] android dev on dragora and safe laptops

From: Aditya Pareek
Subject: Re: [Dragora-bug] android dev on dragora and safe laptops
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 11:08:30 +0530
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On Tuesday 30 April 2013 02:23 AM, rh wrote:
  I see a lot of android
devs use ubuntu and it seems to be the one mentioned the most.
actually to say that dragora is not as easy to setup than ubuntu is an error on my side well actually dragora is a "KISS" keep it simple and stupid distro (its a fundamental unix philosophy ) ubuntu on the other hand takes the click to install all GUI no brainier approach to everything thus most those so called devs use it , we at dragora work on UNIX principals set into foundation by hackers over a course of history constituting more than 35 years and noob friendly distros like the *buntus have destroyed the very thing we stand for , and as always YMMV (your mileage may vary ) if you have what it takes to be a tinkerer an hobbyist an inventor , we welcome you with open hearts to the community but if you think we will spoon feed you like the ubuntu people do please don't be delusional by thinking so , for example ; no we will not flame you for asking what "gnu make" is or what "gcc" is but we will if you don't read the output of "man gcc " and "man make" since reading documentation is an integral part of learning anything in *nix land i suggest you read
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Unix_Programming_Environment (i highly recommend this book)

before you ask questions ( i think we all have read those before we started appreciating UNIX) but if you are looking for an OS as just a means to an end then i suggest you stay with *buntu or another noob friendly distro ,cause we the true *nixers at dragora "live and die" for and with our OS , if you have a similar attitude then we welcome you if not , then i can't say for sure sorry if this may have sounded like a rant (it isn't) its actually an important reality check for new people

Happy hacking everyone :)
Aditya Pareek(apm)

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