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[Dr. Geo] DrGeo using dutch locale

From: address@hidden
Subject: [Dr. Geo] DrGeo using dutch locale
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2024 18:26:50 +0200 (CEST)

I've noticed that DrGeo uses the Locale plugin of the Squeak VM (Cog just in 
time compiler or Stack interpreter).

I had no experience so far with the Locale plugin, but it seems to work fine, 
which is a nice feature of DrGeo  (translated interface).

When I set 

  export LANG

or simply

  export LANG

and start the Cuis image with DrGeo it uses Dutch translation files.

I had to install the .mo message object files in the locale directory.

I think the README under drgeo/i18n should indicate that it is necessary to 
install ( move or copy) the gettext .mo files to one of the directories of

  GetTextTranslator defaultLocaleDirs

If in a Cuis workspace I print (using 'Control-p or Printit') the following 
Smalltalk code:

    GetTextTranslator defaultLocaleDirs

then it shows the directories for the locale files.

When I evaluate in DrGeo (in Cuis) the Smalltalk code:

  Locale determineCurrentLocale

it shows  a Locale(nl-BE) for me in the Smalltalk image.

So the GetText and Locales packages in Cuis pick up the LANG setting.

This is also working if I just start a simple (empty) Cuis image and use

  Feature require:'Locales'.
  Feature require:'Gettext'.

(after setting LANG=nl).

I've noticed that there are some minor issues with the Dutch version ...
But overall, it is working.

David Stes


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