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[Pnet-developers] The first C# programs runs with the brand-new DotGNU J

From: Kirill Kononenko
Subject: [Pnet-developers] The first C# programs runs with the brand-new DotGNU Just-In-Time Compiler
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 14:42:40 +0300

Hello All!

We have just ran the first small C# program with the brand-new JIT
coder.  It is quiet obvious and small but it is coool to see it
working. It is here:

namespace TestNamespace {

public class Test
static int Main()
int a = 2;
int b = 3;
int c;
c = a + b;
return c;

All can run the test program with the new Just-In-Time Compiler.  Just
download the latest cvs snapshots from the repository with a  cvs -z3
-d:pserver:address@hidden:/sources/dotgnu-pnet co .

Then compile the libJIT library with the usual steps in the /libjit
directory (./, ./configure, make install). Do 'export
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path to your cvs repo/libjit/jit/.libs'.

Then compile Portable .NET with the JIT engine enabled:
in /pnet:

1. ./
2. ./configure --enable-jit
3. make install

Compile the C# app: 'cscc JIT_WORKS.cs -o JIT_WORKS.exe '.

Run the app with the Portable .NET JIT: 'ilrun JIT_WORKS.exe'.

We already did a lot of things like the arithmetics, load/store, but
the difficult stuff is still todo.

PS If you would like to join the development team of the JIT and
libJIT library in the next 2006 year -- you are always welcome -- we
can be found on the #DotGNU channel of, where we are
usually working on the JIT, and on the maillists.

Goodluck in the 2006 Year!


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