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[Pnet-developers] Towards pnet 0.6.2

From: Rhys Weatherley
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Towards pnet 0.6.2
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 15:09:04 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

I've pencilled in the weekend of December 13/14, 2003, for releasing 
Portable.NET 0.6.2.  That will probably be the last opportunity before people 
start disappearing before Christmas/New Year and before LCA 2004 in Adelaide 
in mid-January.

So, please start testing the CVS version of pnet on as many platforms as 
possible.  There have been a lot of changes since 0.6.0 - consoles, serial 
ports, Windows.Forms, etc.



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