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[Pnet-developers] Rhys' TODO list

From: Rhys Weatherley
Subject: [Pnet-developers] Rhys' TODO list
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 17:33:06 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

Hi all,

From time to time, people ask what I have on my TODO list.  Usually it is a 
jealously guarded secret because no sooner do I put something on it than I 
say "that's really cool - I want to do that!" and then just sit down and do 
it myself. :-)

Lately though, the TODO list has been growing quite big, so I've attached a 
copy to this message for people who are interested in helping tackle the big 
ticket items in the tree.  For some things, I may have bits and pieces 
already, so ask and I'll send you what I have so far.

Note: if you volunteer for something and I don't see a patch in the queue 
within a week or so, then I will assume that you aren't working on it and 
will just go in and do it myself.  So please don't volunteer unless you think 
you can make good progress with real code in a short period of time.

This is by no means a complete list of everything that needs doing in the 
tree.  As always "grep TODO *" if you're looking for something interesting.




    - new marshalling system
    - PPC unroller
    - recursive assemblies

    - complete the implementation of the basic object stuff
    - Reflection.Emit code generation within treecc

    - complete the library implementation
    - make C# type gathering more configurable
    - implement VB-specific semantic analysis
    - ramp up the VB test suite

    - make basic serialization work
    - binary serialization
    - SOAP serialization
    - interoperability testing with MS and Mono

    - images
    - dialogs: ordinary and messagebox
    - MS Sans Serif font hacks
    - investigate oddities in the font matching algorithm
    - clipboard support for Xsharp

    - finish CodeDom and write a test suite
    - finish off System.ComponentModel
    - System.Configuration.Install
    - System.DirectoryServices
    - System.Messaging
    - System.Management
    - System.Security
    - System.Design
    - System.Text.RegularExpressions

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