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[Dotgnu-pnet-commits] pnetlib/runtime/System/Globalization UmAlQuraCalen

From: Rhys Weatherley <address@hidden>
Subject: [Dotgnu-pnet-commits] pnetlib/runtime/System/Globalization UmAlQuraCalendar.cs, NONE, 1.1
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 05:58:23 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/dotgnu-pnet/pnetlib/runtime/System/Globalization
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv11372/runtime/System/Globalization

Added Files:
Log Message:

Add the "UmAlQura" calendar class, as a wrapper around "HijriCalendar".

--- NEW FILE: UmAlQuraCalendar.cs ---
 * UmAlQuraCalendar.cs - Implementation of the
 *        "System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar" class.
 * Copyright (C) 2003  Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

namespace System.Globalization


using System;

// We wrap up the "HijriCalendar" class and adjust it to match the
// Um Al Qura requirements, since the two calendars are more or
// less identical.  Might as well keep the core of the calculations
// in the same place.

public class UmAlQuraCalendar : Calendar
        // The UmAlQura era.
        public static readonly int UmAlQuraEra = 1;

        // Internal state.
        private HijriCalendar hijri;

        // Constructor.
        public UmAlQuraCalendar()
                                hijri = new HijriCalendar();
                                hijri.HijriAdjustment = 0;

        // Get a list of eras for the calendar.
        public override int[] Eras
                                        int[] eras = new int [1];
                                        eras[0] = UmAlQuraEra;
                                        return eras;

        // Set the last year of a 100-year range for 2-digit processing.
        public override int TwoDigitYearMax
                                        return hijri.TwoDigitYearMax;
                                        hijri.TwoDigitYearMax = value;

        // Get the minimum DateTime value supported by this calendar.
        public override DateTime MinValue
                                        return hijri.MinValue;

        // Get the maximum DateTime value supported by this calendar.
        public override DateTime MaxValue
                                        return hijri.MaxValue;

        // Add a time period to a DateTime value.
        public override DateTime AddMonths(DateTime time, int months)
                                return hijri.AddMonths(time, months);
        public override DateTime AddYears(DateTime time, int years)
                                return hijri.AddYears(time, years);

        // Extract the components from a DateTime value.
        public override int GetDayOfMonth(DateTime time)
                                return hijri.GetDayOfMonth(time);
        public override System.DayOfWeek GetDayOfWeek(DateTime time)
                                return hijri.GetDayOfWeek(time);
        public override int GetDayOfYear(DateTime time)
                                return hijri.GetDayOfYear(time);
        public override int GetMonth(DateTime time)
                                return hijri.GetMonth(time);
        public override int GetYear(DateTime time)
                                return hijri.GetYear(time);

        // Get the number of days in a particular month.
        public override int GetDaysInMonth(int year, int month, int era)
                                return hijri.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era);

        // Get the number of days in a particular year.
        public override int GetDaysInYear(int year, int era)
                                return hijri.GetDaysInYear(year, era);

        // Get the era for a specific DateTime value.
        public override int GetEra(DateTime time)
                                return UmAlQuraEra;

        // Get the number of months in a specific year.
        public override int GetMonthsInYear(int year, int era)
                                return hijri.GetMonthsInYear(year, era);

        // Determine if a particular day is a leap day.
        public override bool IsLeapDay(int year, int month, int day, int era)
                                return hijri.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era);

        // Determine if a particular month is a leap month.
        public override bool IsLeapMonth(int year, int month, int era)
                                return hijri.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era);

        // Determine if a particular year is a leap year.
        public override bool IsLeapYear(int year, int era)
                                return hijri.IsLeapYear(year, era);

        // Convert a particular time into a DateTime value.
        public override DateTime ToDateTime(int year, int month, int day,
int hour, int minute, int second,
int millisecond, int era)
                                return hijri.ToDateTime(year, month, day,
hour, minute, second,
millisecond, era);

        // Convert a two-digit year value into a four-digit year value.
        public override int ToFourDigitYear(int year)
                                return hijri.ToFourDigitYear(year);

}; // class UmAlQuraCalendar


}; // namespace System.Globalization

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