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[DotGNU]Portable.NET 0.1.8 released

From: Rhys Weatherley
Subject: [DotGNU]Portable.NET 0.1.8 released
Date: Thu, 04 Oct 2001 09:28:40 +1000

I have uploaded version 0.1.8 of Portable.NET to my Web site:

Web Page:

This release includes the "csdoc2html" and "csdoc2texi"
programs, for converting C# XML documentation into
HTML and texinfo, respectively.  Those of you who wish
to contribute to "pnetlib" can use "csdoc2html" to convert
ECMA's "AllTypes.xml" file into a form that you can
browse to see what functionality classes must provide:

The compiler now supports simple kinds of method calls,
properties, fields, constants, and enumerated types.  It
isn't quite yet at "Hello World" stage, but it is *very*
close now.

A full list of changes is appended.



NEWS for 0.1.8 (04 October 2001)

    * Begin implementation of ildb, the IL debugger.  Not much working
    * Begin implementation of the bytecode verifier for the engine.
    * Continue implementation of csdoc: mostly done now.
    * Implement a shell for converting the csdoc XML format into
      a variety of other documentation formats.
    * Implement "csdoc2texi" and "csdoc2html" using the above shell.
    * New member lookup routines in the C# compiler that better
      match the requirements of the C# specification.
    * Redesign the handling of namespaces in the C# compiler.
    * Semantic analysis for fields within objects that are not "this".
    * Static and instance properties.
    * New semantic kind called CS_SEMKIND_SVALUE (set value), for
      representing properties that only have a "set" method.
    * Update the documentation and man pages to describe "csdoc",
      "csdoc2texi", "csdoc2html", and the XML documentation format.
    * Parse class constants as a special case of fields.
    * Dump the constant value of a field to the assembly stream.
    * Invocation support for static, instance, and virtual methods that
      do not have overloaded variants.
    * Base class initializers.
    * Rearrange the code of "resgen" to make it easier to maintain.
    * Add .po support to "resgen".
    * Add "ildiff" to the tree.  Contributed by Gopal V
    * Method overload resolution code.
    * Support for "ref", "out", and "params" arguments to methods.
    * Code generation for taking the address of an item (ILNode_GenRef).

    * Fix the importing of classes from the builtin system library.
    * Namespaces with names "X.Y.Z" are expanded properly in the parser.

    * Enumerated type declarations.

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