Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2024 um 00:07 Uhr
Von: "Ondrej Florian" <>
An: "Thomas" <>
Betreff: Re: Keyboard mapping of Option and Command
Hi Thomas,
Did you try to configure your keyboard in
On 2024-07-15 22:29:21 +0200 Thomas <> wrote:
> Hi Riccardo and Ondrej
> You as experienced Users have no problem as you are trained in solving such
> tasks. I really welcome the work of Ondrej to simplify the installation of
> the necessary apps
> for a working GNUstep environment. This targets a main problem for novice
> users like me to begin starting writing something simple with
> Gorm/Projectcenter: the pain in the a… installation with wmaker.
> The gap of knowledge between you and new (unexperienced) users is big. Now
> for instance I have the problem that my Keyboard (Logitech K120) works great
> with XFCE (German mapping) but sucks under wmaker as the mapping doesn´t fit
> (can not delete text backwards as on the Mac). When you search for
> information you realize that the wmaker community is very small….. and I
> have no Idea, where and how to change the Keyboard mapping…. Maybe it would
> be a good idea to include a little FAQ/main problems list of wmaker on the
> GNUstep webpage ;-)……
> By the way I enjoy to see that GWorkspace works under XFCE, not perfect
> but… as a Mac User I love the column browser :-).
> What I have to do that the shelf accepts shortcuts? Under Debian (AMD) +
> wmaker 0.95.9 drag n drop doesn´t work.
> Best regards Thomas
>> Am 13.06.2024 um 09:56 schrieb Riccardo Mottola
>> <>:
>> Hi Ondrej,
>> Ondrej Florian wrote:
>>> On 2024-06-07 18:58:37 +0200 Riccardo Mottola <>
>>> wrote:
>>> I would make the mouse modifiers configurable and be independent of the
>>> keyboard modifiers.
>>> By default they could map to 1:1, I don't mind, but user should be able to
>>> change it.
>> The user is already is able to change it. Default official Systempreferenes
>> panel works (proven) and it necessitates only standard clicks to use, so no
>> chicken-and-egg problem. Command-line solution exists. Alternative panels
>> exists.
>> However I think we should offer sensible defaults and in any case offer an
>> solution to people who do not have the extra key for some reason (either
>> physical or not working).
>> Just yesterday I discovered that even if a system is perfectly configured
>> and works with windows key as command, once I connect through SSH to it and
>> on the host I run a desktop environment different from ours, the key gets
>> "eaten away".
>> So while some people here like to have it easy, it is really not.
>> I have removed (hopefully) all workarounds in GWorkspace, I am testing it.
>> So try, if you want, this branch:
>> If that is confirmed, I will work with Fred on some GUI ideas
>>> A desktop environment can come up with its own default preferences
>>> corresponding to whatever
>>> standard it wants to follow and offer nice GUI to change it (I do that
>>> with GSDE).
>> Exactly.. and one can remap it or even rename it.
>>> As for the Meta / Super / etc. discussion.
>>> I agree with Riccardo => World is not only about Mac and Windows anymore
>>> (well, it has never been, really ;-).
>>> As long as you can map and configure the modifier in any way you want to,
>>> I don't see an issue.
>> Beyond mapping, I am thinking of adding to SystemPreferences a plist so
>> that one can remap names. So if a GNUstep package is made e.g. on a
>> specific linux distribution or a "known environment" it can be just
>> "renamed" so the user sees "Windows key" instead of Hyper or Meta. That
>> Plist could be packaged or generated later and allow flexibility. E.g.
>> Raspbian could rename the key "Raspberry key" :) Not totally easy, because
>> e.g. Debian has many architectures and they are usually processor related,
>> syou you have intel vs. ppc, not "Mac" vs "PC".
>> Maybe on X11 the keyboard can be read? e.g knowing if it is a 101 or 104
>> keyboard can at least say if the key is available.
>> No information of course if some desktop evnironment above "chews it".
>> Quite complicated.
>> It is just painting the wall white, the real issue needs to be tackled.
>> Riccardo