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Distributing a gnuradio-flow diagram across multiple cpu's

From: Anish Mangal
Subject: Distributing a gnuradio-flow diagram across multiple cpu's
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 18:37:48 +0530

Hi, This is my very first post to this mailing list, so hello to all. I am a beginner in experimenting with gnuradio and sdr (hackrf-one). I am working on an application where I want to take multiple audio input sources and transmit multiple FM signals over one RF channel via the SDR. To this end, I created a basic grc block that looks like this:


My plan is to have a top level flow diagram using multiple such blocks and sum them to produce a composite FM signal through the hackrf-one. With my 4th generation intel i7 CPU, with the hackrf's bandwidth set to 6MSPS, I am able to transmit 6 simultaneous fm modulated signals. My question is this:

Is it possible to spread this task across multiple computers. If one computer could produce the FM modulated signals, and the other computer sum them and transmit via the SDR, the number of simultaneous streams may be increased.

Another approach might be to offload parts of this block diagram to an FPGA processing unit.

My challenge is this. I have no experience of working with an FPGA, and limited experience with gnu-radio in general, but I am prepared to put in the effort required, however, if someone more experienced than me can guide me on the proper approach to go about this, it would be very helpful. It may be that I just keep all the processing on ONE powerful CPU, and whatever is the max number of simultaneous streams I can get, that's it. But if there are cost effective ways of making this design more efficient, I'm happy to research and experiment.

VU2TVE // Anish

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