On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 8:35 AM, Svetlana Tkachenko <
address@hidden> wrote:
> > If you can easily make a list that is more useful than this one
> >
> > go for it.
> There is no API for this list.
> I filed [1] and will keep you updated.
> Can we also please upgrade to MediaWiki 1.27.1? It may be interfering
> with the API output.
Just FYI, not sure if it will be helpful to the FSF -- at least not yet since it's still in development, but I am working on a project called the QualityBox [1] which is a completely automated solution to deploying MediaWiki. Using Ansible, it completely deploys a fully featured MediaWiki hosting environment on a base distribution (currently limited to Ubuntu but Debian should be easy to add). It works with cloud providers, local infrastructure, and VirtualBox as well for development and production quality. I'm beginning to integrate the MediaWiki Farm extension [2] which is capable of running not just multiple sites (e.g.
wiki.example.com), but also multiple versions of MediaWiki.
In general, it should be the preferred method of deploying a new MediaWiki system, similar to the WikiMedia Foundation system that 3rd party organizations can then promote their existing wikis to. Contributors welcome.
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MediaWikiFarmp.s. excuse the lack of "vision" documentation etc., I'm just opening up the project which was previously an internal effort.
p.p.s. It's Affero licensed