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Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Regular IRC meetings

From: Isabell Long
Subject: Re: [Dfey-nw-discuss] Regular IRC meetings
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2009 17:20:27 +0200

Hash: SHA1

On 04/08/2009, Robert Leverington <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to propose having regular IRC meetings (e.g. two to three
> times a month).  This would involve specifying a time (probably in the
> evening) on one weekday, and everyone interested congregating in the
> channel.  There would be a specified agenda and we would go through the
> points and discuss them.  Minutes would then be produced by one of the
> members and the decisions made actioned.

This is a very good idea.  It's practical to hold meetings 2-3 times a
month on IRC while everything is up in the air and we're trying to
sort the group out as a whole (Dogfish, website etc.), but we must not
forget about the real life meetings that will hopefully happen once a
month eventually and possibly cut down on the number of IRC meetings
after problems have been ironed out etc. and things are mostly sorted
out and a decision has been made about the main issues at the moment,
and ones that are no doubt going to arise in the near future.

> The rationale for this is that currently discussions can take several
> weeks to actually come to a consensus, this is frustrating and wastes
> time.  IRC meetings would result in all points being completely
> discussed withing two to three hours.  IRC meetings have proven to work
> with many other organisations including freenode and Wikimedia.
> Real life meetings are nice, but obviously can't happen as often as IRC
> ones can and also exclude people not in proximity to the location
> (especially when talking about things that affect the whole of DFEY
> rather than just individual branches).

Yes, as I said above we mustn't forget about the real life meetings,
but IRC meetings with good, well structured agendas almost always
work, especially in the case of Wikimedia.

I like this idea, and once I get back to England the time difference
will be better so I will have more chance of attending these IRC
meetings, if we ever reach a decision (obviously at least a week
before each meeting) about date, time and topics to be discussed.

- --
Isabell Long.  <address@hidden>
[[User:Isabell121]] on all public Wikimedia projects.
Freenode Community Co-Ordinator - issyl0 on irc.freenode.net
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