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Re: [Devilspie2-discuss] Devilspie2 orphaned

From: Andri Möll
Subject: Re: [Devilspie2-discuss] Devilspie2 orphaned
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2018 17:05:02 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.6.0


Thanks for maininting it May I ask what did you replace it with? I personally use it for making some apps/windows be visible on all desktops, a feature GNOME doesn't seem to support out of the box.

On 03/06/2018 03:31 PM, Andreas Ronnquist wrote:
Hi everybody!

I am sorry to say this, but devilspie2 is orphaned. Since I don't use
it any longer, I won't make any more work on it.

So, it needs another maintainer.

I have already orphaned the Debian package, and by this mail I also
abandon upstream development.

If anybody is interested, please take it over - I want to make this as
easy as possible for any potential future maintainer.

I have maintained it at Savannah (the Github repository is abandoned
since long), but of course I don't have any opinion on where any future
packaging takes place, be it Github, Savannah or any place else.

Thanks everybody for you interest in Devilspie2!

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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