Homer, watching theexpressions of his men, had of late watched his in
particular. Each time a wavewent over they were obliged to cling with hands and
Twant no copperhead Democrat, Ill tell you that. They were taken to Orham
the afternoon of the dayfollowing the rescue.
But, so furs Walliesconcerned,
twont do much good.
Hetreated himself to these luxuries and then set about the
duties tofollow.
Hed a been swimmin against the tideif he didnt. Bartlett ll be
what they call a hero, if he dont look out.
Im sorry about the telephone, and a
littleanxious, too. After all, bycrimus, a life-savin crews job is to save
I generally callate to, thats a fact, he replied.
Theyd justgot a wire
through from Trumet to Bayport and thats how he heardabout it, so they say.
Seleucuss voice, punctuated with coughs, made answer. The boatmoved on, slowly,
but doggedly; the spray shot over it in sheets,and froze when it struck.
Between them, and aided by the other life-savers, he was liftedover the side
into the boat. Supperwill be ready in just a few minutes.
Flying foam, adeluge
of icy water, a series of strokes, and then a coast. Homer did not know exactly
how he was expected to reply to thisstatement.
Myra generallymakes out to get
what she sets out after. Suddenly Oaks, at Number Six, stopped rowing.
herreturn he met her infrequently at dances and parties. Well, if its Benoni
hell figger twas the Amightyhimself picked him to be hauled out of the wet.
Their captain, when he realized thedanger his craft was in, had ordered the
anchors thrown over.
Nevertheless, when, a little later, he went up to the
tower hefound Gammon chuckling to himself.
The life-savers at Setuckit found
the papers immensely interesting.
Theyd justgot a wire through from Trumet to
Bayport and thats how he heardabout it, so they say.
I wouldnt keep it too
long, he said, cheerfully.
He aint any old maid cryin overyarns in a newspaper,
Kellogg aint. You havent gotany more say over me, Cal Homer.
Homer thanked him,
but urged him not to trouble.
The men werewashing their clothes, sweeping and
scrubbing. Didnt say nothin about raisin no wagesdown in this section, did he?
Ill quit here but Ill kill him and Seleucus Gammon first. As she moved out the
other men scrambled in.
If its thefeller I think tis its Benoni Bartlett.
editors, sensing its dramaticqualities, sent their reporters down to
investigate. Between them, and aided by the other life-savers, he was
liftedover the side into the boat. But therest have been at the work longer
than you have, and they didntlet it get the best of em. Go ahead and do your
work and behave like a man andtheyll forget it by and by.
Between them, and
aided by the other life-savers, he was liftedover the side into the boat.