It was the beginning of theshort winter, when Upper Burma seemed haunted by the
ghost ofEngland. And he hadthought of a counterstroke already. His
narrow,yellow, Arabian face expressed neither comprehension nor curiosity.
servants came crowding round him, a ring of kindly brown faces,offering
presents. You treat me as though I werea prostitute.
The smoke of hispipe
floated straight upwards in still plumes.
One dog had taken a dislike to Florys
house, and hadsettled down to bay at it systematically. But Flory had lived
downMonkey-bum in time. It is good, most holy one, chorused the prisoners.
God, God, whatto do with the rest of this bloody evening?
He wouldforget Burma,
the horrible country that had come near ruining him. Flory shouted, taking Flo
by the collarto prevent her running away.
Shoals of silvery mahseer, no bigger
than sardines, camenosing and nibbling at his body. He had lived in a chummery
with four other youths whodevoted their entire energies to debauchery. The
smoke of hispipe floated straight upwards in still plumes. It wasa scent that
always made his teeth tingle.
Thats the way to put em intheir place, eh? Come
here, if you please, O venerable and learned sir!
Itgives one a deeper sense of
sin than a thousand lecheries.
Flory got out of the water, put on his clothes
and recrossed thestream.
Feeling better after the gin, heshaved
Sometimes she had even put love-philtres in his food. Something quite
ordinary, quiteaccording to precedent; but still dingy, cowardly,
There was a libellous article in it, attacking MrMacgregor. Why
is master always so angry with me when he has madelove to me?
He had not the
nerve to fire it in cold blood. Thejungle was dried-up and lifeless at this
time of year.
He was veryyoung then, young enough for hero-worship, and he had
friends amongthe men in his firm.