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[Denemo-devel] Denemo Directive edit dialog.

From: Richard Shann
Subject: [Denemo-devel] Denemo Directive edit dialog.
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 09:32:19 +0000

I mentioned on #denemo that we could do with a general-purpose
(low-level) dialog for editing all the fields of a Denemo Directive.
This would be mainly for developers to check easily the contents of a
directive, and for ultimate control for advanced users.

The challenge would be to write this so that adding new fields to the
DenemoDirective structure would not involve much extra work getting it
added to the dialog. Without resorting to meta-code - which would be
over the top - it is possible to do this using the C-preprocessor (the #
and ## operators), and examples are in the sources Jeremiah referred to
and also (most extensively) in the lilydirectives.c

There is a downside (in debuggability) as always in these things. But I
think it is important not to make the flow of innovation sluggish by
creating obstacles (such as the notorious GtkTable widgets still
plaguing some of the code).


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