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[Demexp-cvs] arch commit: demexp--dev--0.7--patch-39

From: David
Subject: [Demexp-cvs] arch commit: demexp--dev--0.7--patch-39
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:57:25 +0100

Revision: demexp--dev--0.7--patch-39
Archive: address@hidden
Creator: David MENTRE <address@hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 18 19:57:00 CET 2006
Standard-date: 2006-01-18 18:57:00 GMT
Modified-files: README config/ configure
New-patches: address@hidden/demexp--dev--0.7--patch-39
Summary: detection of builded system, don't build statically on MacOS X
Keywords: build


  Add warning to make clear that CDuce should be built with --mliface

* config/
* configure

  Detect the kind of system we are building on. In case of MacOS X,
  don't build binaries statically.

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