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Re: ddd motif character set bug

From: Arnaud Desitter
Subject: Re: ddd motif character set bug
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 12:40:58 -0000


I added a call to XtSetLanguageProc() in the ddd source code at:

Please test it when it becomes visible (see ddd/NEWS).

Hope it helps,

----- Original Message ----- From: "tedc" <address@hidden>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.debugging.ddd.general
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 8:28 PM
Subject: ddd motif character set bug

I'm trying to run GNU DDD 3.3.10 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) in --perl mode.

The source window freezes up as soon as it sees [chr(161), ], #¡ (shown below).

I have run across a similar problem while upgrading from Motif 1.x to 2.x. (using DDD to debug).

I don't see an XtSetLanguageProc... in the sources and that is required to make the character sets display correctly uing Motif 2.x.

Anyway, just try to load this snippet of code and you'll see the problem.

Any help would be appreciated.


my @specials = (
['<!--.*-->' , ''          ], #comments
['\$'    ,  '\$'           ],
       ['\\\\(?!\$)', "\$\\backslash\$"], #\
['<'     , '$<$'           ],
 ['>'     , '$>$'           ],
['&'     , '\&'            ],
['%'     , '\%'            ],
['#'     , '\#'            ],
['{'     , '\{'            ],
['}'     , '\}'            ],
['_'     , '\_'            ],
['\^'    , '\^{}'          ],
[chr(161), '!`'            ], #¡
      #[chr(162), ''              ], #¢*
[chr(163), '{\\pounds}'    ], #£
      #[chr(164), ''              ], #¤*

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