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Re: libXm.so.2 not found

From: Andreas Zeller
Subject: Re: libXm.so.2 not found
Date: 26 Jan 2001 19:47:55 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0807 (Gnus v5.8.7) XEmacs/21.1 (Channel Islands)


address@hidden writes:

> I'm installing ddd for the first time.  I've installed all the required
> components (automake, autoconf, LessTif).  configure runs smoothly, as does
> the make process.  The error message I get after installing and typing ddd
> at a prompt is:
> ld.so.1: ddd: fatal: libXm.so.2: open failed: No such file or directory

Your `libXm.so.2' file is in a location where the run-time loader
`ld.so' cannot find it.  Delete the `ddd/ddd' executable and re-make
it with

    $ make LDFLAGS="-R LOCATION"

where LOCATION is the location of the `libXm.so.2' file (typically,
the same location you gave to `--with-motif-libraries=LOCATION'.  This
will cause the run-time loader to load `libXm.so.2' from LOCATION.

You can also wait for DDD 3.3 (next week); its `configure' script has
a `--enable-rpath=LOCATION' option which does this automatically.
Here's its documentation, containing a bit of rationale for all this
weird stuff.

Locating Libraries

If one of the libraries to be used with DDD is a dynamic library and
installed in a non-standard place (that is, in a place where the
run-time linker cannot find it), you can specify its location

The option `--enable-rpath=PATH' sets the path of directories to be
searched for dynamic libraries to PATH (a colon-separated list of

For instance, if you have a LessTif library `libXm.so' installed in
`/you/cannot/find/me/' and a Readline library `libreadline.so'
installed in `/nobody/knows/i/am/here/', you can specify


to make sure these places are searched for libraries.

Note: `--enable-rpath' must be specified separately from
`--with-PACKAGE-libraries' and likewise because these are different

   * `--with-PACKAGE-libraries' specifies the place to be searched at
     _link_ time;
   * `--enable-rpath' specifies the place to be searched at
     _execution_ time.

Best wishes,


Andreas Zeller     Universitaet Passau

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