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Re: [Dazuko-help] file action in ExampleThr.pl

From: Thomas Alex
Subject: Re: [Dazuko-help] file action in ExampleThr.pl
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 14:57:32 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080227)

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Gerhard Sittig schrieb:
> The vim process does not die, but triggers another file access event
> which needs to get handled -- while no registered daemon is available
> to carry out the decision whether to deny or grant the access.  So the
> kernel holds the file access until eternity (until the event gets
> handled, which won't ever happen).  If there are more threads in the
> registered daemon, but each will open another external process as the
> event occurs, then it doesn't matter how many threads you have -- you
> always need one more thread than you have.  Using processes instead of
> threads won't change the situation.
Sorry I was misunderstanding, this is exactly what I have seen.

> You need to inspect the file from within the registered daemon or look
> into the TAF feature.  Registering more processes which only inspect
> files but don't handle new events as they occur in the kernel will
> lead to other problems.
Yes, I think TAF is what I'm looking for.

> Out of curiousity:  I'm the author of the threaded example, but as is
> documented I had to write it "blindly" since I lack access to a Perl
> installation with threads support.  So I'm interested in feedback
> about bugs in or improvements to the example script.
The ExampleThr.pl as provided by dazuko.tar.gz works fine. But I noticed
the Obj.pm is not able to register "TRUST_REQUEST" in sub AccessMask
because the name of the variable does not start with "DAZUKO_ON_"

Obj.pm (line 256)
$id = 'DAZUKO_ON_' . uc($id);
$id = '$Dazuko::IO::' . $id;

In addition to that, "TRUST_REQUEST" is not known in IO.pm.

As workaround I calculate the bitmask by myself and pass it as first
element of an array to sub AccessMask.

Thanks for your help

- --

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