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Re: [Dazuko-help] Fedora 8 and Dazuko

From: Helmut Hullen
Subject: Re: [Dazuko-help] Fedora 8 and Dazuko
Date: 02 Apr 2008 09:45:00 +0200
User-agent: OpenXP/4.10.7367 (Win32) (i386)

Hallo, bob,

Du (sopoaomo) meintest am 01.04.08:

> I am trying to build Dazuko with Fedora 8. I get the message
> "capabilities are built-in to the kernel".

First you need a kernel patch:

(from the dazuko sources dircetory):

    patch /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/fs/dcache.c patch_dpath.diff

And then you need the following configuration options:

./configure --enable-syscalls \
    --disable-local-dpath \
    --disable-compat1 \
    --mapfile=/boot/`uname -r`/System.map

In your system the path to the "System.map" may differ.

> I understand that the
> capabilites should be a module and not in the kernel.

No - that's not necessary. Kernel doesn't offer the  
capabilities as module, and that works fine with dazuko.

Viele Gruesse!

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