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Re: Does -s apply to -m in sort?

From: Peng Yu
Subject: Re: Does -s apply to -m in sort?
Date: Mon, 11 May 2020 16:18:24 -0500

I used real files (already sorted) to test whether having -s or not
affect -m. But I have not made minimal example input files so that is
why I am not sure about my conclusion.

But the command to try is basically `sort -m -k sort_fields files...`
or `sort -s -m -k sort_fields files..`.

I assume to authors who made -m and -s. My question should be clear?

On 5/11/20, Eric Blake <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 5/9/20 4:31 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
>> It seems that -s of sort is not useful when -m is used based on my
>> simple test case. But I am not completely sure. Could anybody let me
>> know if this is the case? Thanks.
> Without seeing your simple test case, I cannot presume to know what you
> tried or failed to try in making your determination, and lack the
> information necessary to repeat the experiment myself.  Help us help you
> - when asking a question, give us enough relevant details, including the
> contents of the files and the command line you attempted your experiment
> with.
> --
> Eric Blake, Principal Software Engineer
> Red Hat, Inc.           +1-919-301-3226
> Virtualization: |


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