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Re: question about SI/IEC in df

From: Kaz Kylheku (Coreutils)
Subject: Re: question about SI/IEC in df
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2019 10:23:46 -0800
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.2

On 2019-11-28 10:16, Kaz Kylheku (Coreutils) wrote:
But, let me remark, using KB, MB,  for powers of 1000 is neither
metric, nor grounded in tradition.  If it's all caps like KB and MB,
it's clearly 1024-based just like without the B. There has to be a

Sorry about that, this is flatly wrong; lower case b is bits: kb is a kilobit.

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