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Re: new snapshot available: coreutils-8.30.79-efa3e.tar.xz

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: new snapshot available: coreutils-8.30.79-efa3e.tar.xz
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2019 23:36:35 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.1

Hello Bernhard,

On 2019-03-05 4:57 p.m., Bernhard Voelker wrote:

Older makeinfo-4.13a seems to have problems with the addition of the
macro '@{hashchar}' of commit v8.30-33-g2f438fa9f:

I believe some time ago (ca. 2017) there was a change to require
texinfo/makeinfo of at least version 6.1:

(makeinfo version 4.13a being fom 2008 - it's rather old)

I'm guessing you are building from tarball (not from git),
so "bootstrap.conf" is not checked for minimal versions -
but then "" should already be per-packaged
in the tarball - there should not be a need to rebuild it.

All that being said, the fix is easy (suggestion attached).

I only briefly tested it makeinfo 6.3 and makeinfo 4.12 - both seem
to work (or at least not fail - but I guess makeinfo 4.12 still
generates bad HTML, as mentioned in the git commit above).

comments welcomed,

Attachment: 0001-doc-replace-hashchar-with-actual-hash-character.patch
Description: Text Data

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