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[Coposys-dev] Et bien sûr...

From: Francois TOURDE
Subject: [Coposys-dev] Et bien sûr...
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 03:01:34 +0200

... comme d'habitude, j'ai oublié de mettre le fichier joint !!!


François TOURDE - - 23 rue Bernard GANTE - 93250 VILLEMOMBLE
Tél: 01 49 35 96 69 - Mob: 06 81 01 81 80
eMail: mailto:address@hidden - URL:
***  Wed Jul 25 02:48:20 2001
---      Wed Jul 25 02:45:49 2001
*** 58,79 ****
      " Full Name ", textfield('name'), "\n ", p,
      "Password ",
!     password_field(-name=>'password',-size=>'8',-maxlength=>8), "\n ", p,
!     "Password (again) ",
!     password_field(-name=>'password2',-size=>8,-maxlength=>8), "\n ", p,
      "Latitude ", textfield('latitude'), "\n ", p,
      "Longitude ", textfield('longitude'), "\n ", p,
!     hidden(-name=>'community'), "\n ",
!     hidden(-name=>'date',-default=>$date), "\n",
      " Email", textfield('email'), "\n ", p,
!     submit(-name=>'add'), "\n",
      end_form, "\n\n";
  sub display_list_form {
      print start_form, "\n ",
!     hidden(-name=>'community'), "\n ",
!     submit(-name=>'refresh'), "\n",
      end_form, "\n";
--- 58,80 ----
      " Full Name ", textfield('name'), "\n ", p,
      "Password ",
!     password_field({name=>'password',size=>'8',maxlength=>8}), "\n ", p,
!     "Password (again for add, blank for update) ",
!     password_field({name=>'password2',size=>8,maxlength=>8}), "\n ", p,
      "Latitude ", textfield('latitude'), "\n ", p,
      "Longitude ", textfield('longitude'), "\n ", p,
!     hidden({name=>'community'}), "\n ",
!     hidden({name=>'date',default=>$date}), "\n",
      " Email", textfield('email'), "\n ", p,
!     submit({name=>'add'}), "\n",
!     submit({name=>'update'}), "\n",
      end_form, "\n\n";
  sub display_list_form {
      print start_form, "\n ",
!     hidden({name=>'community'}), "\n ",
!     submit({name=>'refresh'}), "\n",
      end_form, "\n";
*** 95,105 ****
--- 96,195 ----
            html_error('Missing argument !');
+     if ( param('update') ) {
+       if (
+           param('name') &&
+           param('password') &&
+           !param('password2') &&
+           param('latitude') &&
+           param('longitude') &&
+           param('email') &&
+           param('community') 
+           )
+       {
+           update_name();
+       }
+       else {
+           html_error('Missing argument or password entered twice for update 
+       }
+     }
      elsif ( param('delete') ) {
+ sub update_name {
+     my ($latitude, $longitude, $name, $password, $date, $email);
+     load_config();
+     # check if the name already exists..
+     if (!defined $people{param('name')} ) {
+       html_error(param('name') . ' I don\'t know you. Please register 
+     }
+     # Check if password is correct...
+     my $crypted_passwd = (split /,/ , $people{param('name')})[3];
+     # get the salt from crypted_passwd
+     my $salt = $crypted_passwd;
+     $salt =~ s/^(..).*/$1/;
+     # and check for good pass...
+     if (crypt (param('password'), $salt) ne $crypted_passwd) {
+       html_error('Incorrect password !');
+       return;
+     }
+     # check if latitude is valid
+     unless ( param('latitude') =~ /^[\d\+\-\.]+$/ ) {
+       html_error('Invalid latitude: The format is +-DDD.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ' .
+                  'This is the format programs like xearth use and the ' .
+                  'format that many positioning web sites use. However ' .
+                  'typically the precision is limited to 4 or 5 decimals.');
+       return;
+     }
+     # check if longitude is valid
+     unless ( param('longitude') =~ /^[\d\+\-\.]+$/ ) {
+       html_error('Invalid longitude: The format is +-DDD.DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ' .
+                  'This is the format programs like xearth use and the ' .
+                  'format that many positioning web sites use. However ' .
+                  'typically the precision is limited to 4 or 5 decimals.');
+       return;
+     }
+     # Now, write marker file with modifications
+     unless (open (CFG, ">$filename")) {
+       html_error("Unable to open marker file ($filename) !");
+       print end_html;
+       die;
+     }
+     foreach my $name (keys %people) {
+       if ($name eq param('name')) {
+           # the new value... No check is made, but it's not a good idea...
+           print CFG param('latitude') . ' ' . param('longitude') .' "' . 
$name . '" #' .
+           $crypted_passwd . ',' . localtime() . ',' . param('email') . "\n";
+           next;
+       }
+       ($latitude, $longitude, $crypted_passwd, $date, $email) =
+           (split /,/ , $people{$name})[0,1,3,4,5];
+       print CFG $latitude . ' '
+           . $longitude . ' "'
+               . $name . '" #' .
+                   $crypted_passwd . ',' .
+                       $date . ',' .
+                           $email . "\n";
+     }
+     close CFG;
+ }
  sub add_name {
*** 190,199 ****
        print "  <td>\n   " . start_form, "    ",
        "password: ",
!       password_field(-name=>'del_password',-size=>8,-maxlength=>8), "\n    ",
!       hidden(-name=>'community'), "\n    ",
!       hidden(-name=>'name', -default=>$key), "\n    ",
!       submit(-name=>'delete'), "\n   ",
        end_form, "\n  </td>\n";
        print " </tr>\n";
--- 280,289 ----
        print "  <td>\n   " . start_form, "    ",
        "password: ",
!       password_field({name=>'del_password',size=>8,maxlength=>8}), "\n    ",
!       hidden({name=>'community'}), "\n    ",
!       hidden({name=>'name', default=>$key}), "\n    ",
!       submit({name=>'delete'}), "\n   ",
        end_form, "\n  </td>\n";
        print " </tr>\n";

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