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Re: [GNU/consensus] new and not so new: EDN and the search for FOSS priv

From: lupa
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] new and not so new: EDN and the search for FOSS privacy projects
Date: Tue, 24 May 2016 10:59:38 -0400
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There are some broken links and possible not actualized projects (dead?)
... how can contribute to clean the list? deleting directly? marking as

El 23/05/16 a las 16:32, demos escribió:
> Hi there,
> It's been a while now since we became stakeholders of GNU consensus[1].
> I've been very busy setting up the community wiki[2] and the sponsor
> website[3]. And still we are not done on our way to become a furthered
> project. Having read our about[3] you might be able to answer:
> * how long it took to read it[4]
> * Which 10 to 15 projects on our list[5] we should regard definitely to
> build the new decentralized internet and why, regarding our criteria[6]
> towards the new internet.
> * Which 10 to 15 projects on our list[5], we can ignore/dismiss because
> of certain reasons.
> Thank you!
> Good night
> Dmos

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