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Re: [GNU/consensus] a set

From: marc
Subject: Re: [GNU/consensus] a set
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2016 04:38:19 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.1.2

On 2015-12-16 18:54, hellekin wrote:
On 12/15/2015 03:23 PM, marc wrote:
ei there is a (de)onto... set i am making at

It's not clear to me how you want to use this ontology.

while i dont feel like touching the table itself maybe (which is the important base for a future more interactive tell-your-life-view app),

i overhauled the initial explanatory texts which i copy below, looking for further proof-reading advice and encouraging anyone here to troll any bit up:

(i am about to polish the more achademical-pedanthic talk parts soon btw)


This wiki is home for documenting some well-ordered, deep and simple meanings of life which should also include some lovely models, that are to be more interactively offered with

Most of the content here comes from user coco, who is storming into pages since 2009, so some of the 2,032 pages could be not updated at all. "

Life set:

This life set is an interesting default for an explanation of the main parts of life, and their relation between each other. The most important exposed part is how anyone, anytime can be endlessly lovely.

This life set aims to tell most about life and love within 100 words, and in a way that if there is not consensus about it, it could be the more easily debated, changed or deepened. So in this life set,

Keywords are very abstract, broadly known and beautiful enough.

Categories are very hierarchical and in taxonomic triads only.

Definitions can be made automatically and very short due to the life hierarchies and process definitions.

Main axioms

-Life is energy flowing across different dimensions

-There are broader dimensions than others

-Any vibration from a broader dimension is parent and broader than any vibration from a lower dimension.

-Dark is as important as Light. It hints us about what vibration we need flowing for reaching love

-The narrower dimension, the more code needed for flove sake

Regarding to process:

-There is a logical life process to go from any vibration to another

-Life flowing tend to happen consecutively according to the vibration broad but it happens in a multitrack process that is in permanent editorial revision, so finally making it quite chaotic overall. We have many different processes starting or keeping up everytime, and so some of them can be postponed and re-engaged while in the middle of a new starting flow process. (i.e. there are new feelings and likes flowing before coding a pending will about your self).

-Lower sources are created by its upper void.

-The more source, the less lack and the more posible love (such posible love will then depend on the absence of twist in the following vibration from source: sophistication)

Regarding to flove:

-There are modules and models of lovely vibrations at any dimension

-Flove keeps starting it all

-Flove is for flowing broader, any lower (f)love is just letting upper (f)love to vibrate

-Flove is viral but fragile, it needs being flown in all life dimensions, and not just in some or the upper

Popular quotes

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." --- Nikola Tesla

"The important is each piece to be identifiable for applying the rules over it in a specific manner --- Saussure"

" ...Maybe... "love" has its universal semantics, and that could play a universal (gramatic-sintactic) role in the deep structure of phrases ...maybe...--- John Lyons"

"All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite. --- C. S. Pierce"

"Life is about Ying yan balance, equilibrium, harmony: love --- Many assians "

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. --- Albert Einstein"

"Real, pure, good, fair, reasonable, ... are occidental euphemisms of "lovely". "Life set" is wiser than world view or ontological tree, and "flove" is nicer than "Universal love (de)ontology-abiogenesis". But, since (aesth)ethics are always personally biased, maybe you may like this other shorter life set or get to read more achademical talk about this life set.......... --- coco"

"A world view is crucial for the total order of a human mind[...] and it is the third mind cleaning and purification introductory practice that i recommend [...] because:

-Such this special meditative research about mind nature and its phenomena ends up with the tireless mental zeal of thinking and research and its dependence on concepts, analising and and endless referring, and so it wakes up a personal achievement of void's nature (or the realest creation)

-If such view could encourage the individuals to do a conciousness transformation, and so influence society, it will return to our world the living interconection sense and meaning that it so desperately needs --- Sogyal Rimpoche"


see at , do you any more of the kind around?

cheers, see you

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