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Re: Create a shar file

From: Gary Oberbrunner
Subject: Re: Create a shar file
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:23:03 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826

If all your fooN files exist at the beginning of the cons run, it's easy: just do something like
  $e->Command('foo.shar', glob('foo_dir/foo*'), 'shar %< > %>');
You may have to fiddle with the glob to, for instance, set the current directory before globbing and/or prepend '#' to the filenames so cons sees them as top-relative. But it's just perl.

If they *don't* exist before the cons run, it's trickier. You'll have to use AfterBuild to run after the command which creates the fooN files to add them to the dependency list of the foo.shar target.

I hear scons can handle directories as dependencies, but I don't know if it will handle this particular case well or not.

BUFFERNE,VINCENT (HP-France,ex1) wrote:
I would like to shar the foo files during the compilation without having to specify the name of the foo files (I have hundreds of them so I do not want to maintain such a huge list of file names) . I have tried to use "Command", but it needs files in parameter and not directories....

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gary Oberbrunner                address@hidden
GenArts, Inc.                   Tel: 617-492-2888
8 Clinton Street                Fax: 617-492-2852
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA

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