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[Confuse-devel] search path

From: J.J. Green
Subject: [Confuse-devel] search path
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 11:01:08 +0100

Hi all

I've been using libconfuse for a while, but 
have only just tried the "include" facility.  
To my disappointment, I find that included 
files are not found if they are not in the 
current directory, or a full path is given.  
I think this makes file inclusion barely useful.

A quick look at the code tells me that this would
be fairly easy to implement without disturbing
the API: For a null-terminated array of string

const char* path[] = { "/usr/local/share/myapp",
                       NULL };

int cfg_parse_path(cfg_t *cfg, 
                   const char *filename,
                   const char** path)

assigns path to global const char** cfg_path
then checks for the existence of the files
at path/filename (with stat() or access())
and if found calls cfg_parse() with the found

cfg_lexer_include() is modified to check the
global cfg_path and if not-null searches in 
the same way.


Would there be any interest in me adding this to
the main code branch rather than just making my 
own fork?


J.J. Green,  Seaview Sensing Ltd.,

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