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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 16/25: fec: polar: whitespace fixes/tabs to

From: git
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 16/25: fec: polar: whitespace fixes/tabs to go along with namespace change from last commit.
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2015 14:51:38 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcorgan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

commit 9df0fda8d2c29874d581dbaf6670558a84d9328b
Author: Tom Rondeau <address@hidden>
Date:   Tue Sep 22 15:12:32 2015 -0400

    fec: polar: whitespace fixes/tabs to go along with namespace change from 
last commit.
 gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_common.h         | 102 +++----
 gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_common.h | 100 +++---
 gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc.h     |  76 ++---
 .../include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc_list.h   |  96 +++---
 gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_encoder.h        | 140 ++++-----
 gr-fec/lib/                         | 160 +++++-----
 gr-fec/lib/                 | 272 ++++++++---------
 gr-fec/lib/                     |  96 +++---
 gr-fec/lib/                | 138 ++++-----
 gr-fec/lib/                        | 338 ++++++++++-----------
 gr-fec/lib/                             | 272 ++++++++---------
 gr-fec/lib/scl_list.h                              |  90 +++---
 12 files changed, 940 insertions(+), 940 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_common.h 
index 3ee7815..7ef3e59 100644
--- a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_common.h
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_common.h
@@ -39,65 +39,65 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    /*!
-     * \brief POLAR code common operations and attributes
-     * \ingroup error_coding_blk
-     *
-     * \details
-     * Polar codes are based on this paper by Erdal Arikan "Channel
-     * Polarization: A Method for Contructing Capacity-Achieving Codes
-     * for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels", 2009 block
-     * holds common information for encoders and decoders. All polar
-     * encoder/decoders inherit from polar_common.
-     *
-     * class holds common info. It is common to all encoders and decoders.
-     */
-    class FEC_API polar_common
-    {
-    public:
-       * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
-       * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
-       *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
-       * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
-       *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
-       *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
-       *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
-       *        occur once.
-       * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
-       *        frozen bit position.  It defines if a frozen bit is
-       *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+       * \brief POLAR code common operations and attributes
+       * \ingroup error_coding_blk
+       *
+       * \details
+       * Polar codes are based on this paper by Erdal Arikan "Channel
+       * Polarization: A Method for Contructing Capacity-Achieving Codes
+       * for Symmetric Binary-Input Memoryless Channels", 2009 block
+       * holds common information for encoders and decoders. All polar
+       * encoder/decoders inherit from polar_common.
+       *
+       * class holds common info. It is common to all encoders and decoders.
-      polar_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                   std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                   std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      ~polar_common();
+      class FEC_API polar_common
+      {
+      public:
+        /*!
+         * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
+         * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
+         *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
+         * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
+         *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
+         *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
+         *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
+         *        occur once.
+         * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
+         *        frozen bit position.  It defines if a frozen bit is
+         *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+         */
+        polar_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                     std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                     std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+        ~polar_common();
-    protected:
-      const int block_size()const {return d_block_size;};
-      const int block_power()const {return d_block_power;};
-      const int num_info_bits() const {return d_num_info_bits;};
+      protected:
+        const int block_size()const {return d_block_size;};
+        const int block_power()const {return d_block_power;};
+        const int num_info_bits() const {return d_num_info_bits;};
-      // helper functions
-      long bit_reverse(long value, int active_bits) const;
-      void print_packed_bit_array(const unsigned char* printed_array,
-                                  const int num_bytes) const;
-      void print_unpacked_bit_array(const unsigned char* bits,
-                                    const unsigned int num_bytes) const;
+        // helper functions
+        long bit_reverse(long value, int active_bits) const;
+        void print_packed_bit_array(const unsigned char* printed_array,
+                                    const int num_bytes) const;
+        void print_unpacked_bit_array(const unsigned char* bits,
+                                      const unsigned int num_bytes) const;
-      std::vector<int> d_frozen_bit_positions;
-      std::vector<char> d_frozen_bit_values;
-      std::vector<int> d_info_bit_positions;
+        std::vector<int> d_frozen_bit_positions;
+        std::vector<char> d_frozen_bit_values;
+        std::vector<int> d_info_bit_positions;
-    private:
-      int d_block_size; // depending on paper called 'N' or 'm'
-      int d_block_power;
-      int d_num_info_bits; // mostly abbreviated by 'K'
+      private:
+        int d_block_size; // depending on paper called 'N' or 'm'
+        int d_block_power;
+        int d_num_info_bits; // mostly abbreviated by 'K'
-      void initialize_info_bit_position_vector();
+        void initialize_info_bit_position_vector();
-      gr::blocks::kernel::unpack_k_bits *d_unpacker; // convenience for 
'print_packed_bit_array' function.
-    };
+        gr::blocks::kernel::unpack_k_bits *d_unpacker; // convenience for 
'print_packed_bit_array' function.
+      };
     } //namespace code
   } // namespace fec
diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_common.h 
index 7a18ba8..b0ecb85 100644
--- a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_common.h
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_common.h
@@ -32,66 +32,66 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    /*!
-     * \brief Class holds common methods and attributes for different
-     * decoder implementations
-     */
-    class FEC_API polar_decoder_common : public generic_decoder, public 
-    {
-    public:
-       *
-       * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
-       * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information bits
-       *        in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
-       * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which defines
-       *        the position of all frozen bits in a block.  Its size
-       *        MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.  Also it
-       *        must be sorted and every position must only occur once.
-       * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
-       *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
-       *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+       * \brief Class holds common methods and attributes for different
+       * decoder implementations
-      polar_decoder_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                           std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                           std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      ~polar_decoder_common();
+      class FEC_API polar_decoder_common : public generic_decoder, public 
+      {
+      public:
+        /*!
+         *
+         * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
+         * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information bits
+         *        in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
+         * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which defines
+         *        the position of all frozen bits in a block.  Its size
+         *        MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.  Also it
+         *        must be sorted and every position must only occur once.
+         * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
+         *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
+         *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+         */
+        polar_decoder_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                             std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                             std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+        ~polar_decoder_common();
-      // FECAPI
-      double rate(){return (1.0 * get_output_size() / get_input_size());};
-      int get_input_size(){return block_size();};
-      int get_output_size(){return num_info_bits();};
-      bool set_frame_size(unsigned int frame_size){return false;};
+        // FECAPI
+        double rate(){return (1.0 * get_output_size() / get_input_size());};
+        int get_input_size(){return block_size();};
+        int get_output_size(){return num_info_bits();};
+        bool set_frame_size(unsigned int frame_size){return false;};
-    private:
-      static const float D_LLR_FACTOR = -2.19722458f;
-      unsigned int d_frozen_bit_counter;
+      private:
+        static const float D_LLR_FACTOR = -2.19722458f;
+        unsigned int d_frozen_bit_counter;
-    protected:
-      // calculate LLRs for stage
-      float llr_odd(const float la, const float lb) const;
-      float llr_even(const float la, const float lb, const unsigned char f) 
-      unsigned char llr_bit_decision(const float llr) const {return (llr < 
0.0f) ? 1 : 0;};
+      protected:
+        // calculate LLRs for stage
+        float llr_odd(const float la, const float lb) const;
+        float llr_even(const float la, const float lb, const unsigned char f) 
+        unsigned char llr_bit_decision(const float llr) const {return (llr < 
0.0f) ? 1 : 0;};
-      // control retrieval of frozen bits.
-      const bool is_frozen_bit(const int u_num) const;
-      const unsigned char next_frozen_bit();
+        // control retrieval of frozen bits.
+        const bool is_frozen_bit(const int u_num) const;
+        const unsigned char next_frozen_bit();
-      // preparation for decoding
-      void initialize_decoder(unsigned char* u, float* llrs, const float* 
+        // preparation for decoding
+        void initialize_decoder(unsigned char* u, float* llrs, const float* 
-      // basic algorithm methods
-      void butterfly(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, const int 
u_num, const int row);
-      void butterfly_volk(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, 
const int u_num, const int row);
-      void butterfly_generic(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, 
const int u_num, const int row);
-      void even_u_values(unsigned char* u_even, const unsigned char* u, const 
int u_num);
-      void odd_xor_even_values(unsigned char* u_xor, const unsigned char* u, 
const int u_num);
-      void extract_info_bits(unsigned char* output, const unsigned char* 
input) const;
+        // basic algorithm methods
+        void butterfly(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, const 
int u_num, const int row);
+        void butterfly_volk(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, 
const int u_num, const int row);
+        void butterfly_generic(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int stage, 
const int u_num, const int row);
+        void even_u_values(unsigned char* u_even, const unsigned char* u, 
const int u_num);
+        void odd_xor_even_values(unsigned char* u_xor, const unsigned char* u, 
const int u_num);
+        void extract_info_bits(unsigned char* output, const unsigned char* 
input) const;
-      // helper functions.
-      void print_pretty_llr_vector(const float* llr_vec) const;
+        // helper functions.
+        void print_pretty_llr_vector(const float* llr_vec) const;
-    };
+      };
     } // namespace code
   } // namespace fec
diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc.h 
index 295e930..3563a06 100644
--- a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc.h
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc.h
@@ -32,50 +32,50 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    /*!
-     * \brief Standard successive cancellation (SC) decoder for POLAR codes
-     *
-     * \details
-     * It expects float input with bits mapped 1 --> 1, 0 --> -1
-     * Or: f = 2.0 * bit - 1.0
-     *
-     */
-    class FEC_API polar_decoder_sc : public polar_decoder_common
-    {
-    public:
-       * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
-       * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
-       *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
-       * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
-       *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
-       *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
-       *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
-       *        occur once.
-       * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
-       *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
-       *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+       * \brief Standard successive cancellation (SC) decoder for POLAR codes
+       *
+       * \details
+       * It expects float input with bits mapped 1 --> 1, 0 --> -1
+       * Or: f = 2.0 * bit - 1.0
+       *
-      static generic_decoder::sptr make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                                        std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                                        std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      ~polar_decoder_sc();
+      class FEC_API polar_decoder_sc : public polar_decoder_common
+      {
+      public:
+        /*!
+         * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
+         * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
+         *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
+         * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
+         *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
+         *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
+         *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
+         *        occur once.
+         * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
+         *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
+         *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+         */
+        static generic_decoder::sptr make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                                          std::vector<int> 
+                                          std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+        ~polar_decoder_sc();
-      // FECAPI
-      void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
+        // FECAPI
+        void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
-    private:
-      polar_decoder_sc(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                       std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                       std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+      private:
+        polar_decoder_sc(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                         std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                         std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      float* d_llr_vec;
-      unsigned char* d_u_hat_vec;
+        float* d_llr_vec;
+        unsigned char* d_u_hat_vec;
-      unsigned char retrieve_bit_from_llr(float llr, const int pos);
-      void sc_decode(float* llrs, unsigned char* u);
-    };
+        unsigned char retrieve_bit_from_llr(float llr, const int pos);
+        void sc_decode(float* llrs, unsigned char* u);
+      };
     } // namespace code
   } // namespace fec
diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc_list.h 
index 6f7033b..12b896e 100644
--- a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc_list.h
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_decoder_sc_list.h
@@ -31,61 +31,61 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    namespace polar {
-      class scl_list;
-      class path;
-    }
+      namespace polar {
+        class scl_list;
+        class path;
+      }
-    /*!
-     * \brief Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoder for polar
-     * codes.
-     *
-     * \details
-     * Decoder is based on Tal, Vardy "List Decoding of Polar Codes",
-     * 2012 LLR version: Balatsoukas-Stimming, Parizi, Burg "LLR-based
-     * Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Polar Codes", 2015.
-     *
-     * Block expects float input with bits mapped 1 --> 1, 0 --> -1
-     * Or: f = 2.0 * bit - 1.0
-     */
-    class FEC_API polar_decoder_sc_list : public polar_decoder_common
-    {
-    public:
-       * \param max_list_size caps number of followed decoding paths.
-       * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
-       * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
-       *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
-       * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
-       *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
-       *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
-       *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
-       *        occur once.
-       * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
-       *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
-       *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+       * \brief Successive cancellation list (SCL) decoder for polar
+       * codes.
+       *
+       * \details
+       * Decoder is based on Tal, Vardy "List Decoding of Polar Codes",
+       * 2012 LLR version: Balatsoukas-Stimming, Parizi, Burg "LLR-based
+       * Successive Cancellation List Decoding of Polar Codes", 2015.
+       *
+       * Block expects float input with bits mapped 1 --> 1, 0 --> -1
+       * Or: f = 2.0 * bit - 1.0
-      static generic_decoder::sptr make(int max_list_size, int block_size,
-                                        int num_info_bits, std::vector<int> 
-                                        std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      ~polar_decoder_sc_list();
+      class FEC_API polar_decoder_sc_list : public polar_decoder_common
+      {
+      public:
+        /*!
+         * \param max_list_size caps number of followed decoding paths.
+         * \param block_size codeword size. MUST be a power of 2.
+         * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
+         *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size. <= block_size
+         * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
+         *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
+         *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
+         *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
+         *        occur once.
+         * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
+         *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
+         *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+         */
+        static generic_decoder::sptr make(int max_list_size, int block_size,
+                                          int num_info_bits, std::vector<int> 
+                                          std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+        ~polar_decoder_sc_list();
-      // FECAPI
-      void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
+        // FECAPI
+        void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
-    private:
-      polar_decoder_sc_list(int max_list_size, int block_size,
-                            int num_info_bits, std::vector<int> 
-                            std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
+      private:
+        polar_decoder_sc_list(int max_list_size, int block_size,
+                              int num_info_bits, std::vector<int> 
+                              std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values);
-      polar::scl_list* d_scl;
+        polar::scl_list* d_scl;
-      void initialize_list(const float* in_buf);
-      const unsigned char* decode_list();
-      void decode_bit(const int u_num);
-      void calculate_llrs_for_list(const int u_num);
-      void set_bit_in_list(const int u_num);
-    };
+        void initialize_list(const float* in_buf);
+        const unsigned char* decode_list();
+        void decode_bit(const int u_num);
+        void calculate_llrs_for_list(const int u_num);
+        void set_bit_in_list(const int u_num);
+      };
     } // namespace code
   } // namespace fec
diff --git a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_encoder.h 
index e3b4557..f9541a2 100644
--- a/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_encoder.h
+++ b/gr-fec/include/gnuradio/fec/polar_encoder.h
@@ -32,86 +32,86 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    /*!
-     * \brief POLAR encoder
-     * for basic details see 'polar_common' class.
-     * \ingroup error_coding_blk
-     *
-     * \details
-     * expects values with MSB first. It needs a full information word and 
encodes it in one pass.
-     * Output is a codeword of block_size.
-     */
-    class FEC_API polar_encoder : public generic_encoder, public polar_common
-    {
-    public:
-       * Factory for a polar code encoder object.
+       * \brief POLAR encoder
+       * for basic details see 'polar_common' class.
+       * \ingroup error_coding_blk
-       * \param block_size defines the codeword size. It MUST be a
-       *        power of 2.
-       * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
-       *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size.
-       * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
-       *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
-       *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
-       *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
-       *        occur once.
-       * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
-       *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
-       *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
-       * \param is_packed choose 1 active bit/byte or 8 active
-       *        bit/byte. if false, VOLK polar encoder is used.
+       * \details
+       * expects values with MSB first. It needs a full information word and 
encodes it in one pass.
+       * Output is a codeword of block_size.
-      static generic_encoder::sptr make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                                        std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                                        std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values,
-                                        bool is_packed = false);
-      ~polar_encoder();
+      class FEC_API polar_encoder : public generic_encoder, public polar_common
+      {
+      public:
+        /*!
+         * Factory for a polar code encoder object.
+         *
+         * \param block_size defines the codeword size. It MUST be a
+         *        power of 2.
+         * \param num_info_bits represents the number of information
+         *        bits in a block. Also called frame_size.
+         * \param frozen_bit_positions is an integer vector which
+         *        defines the position of all frozen bits in a block.
+         *        Its size MUST be equal to block_size - num_info_bits.
+         *        Also it must be sorted and every position must only
+         *        occur once.
+         * \param frozen_bit_values holds an unpacked byte for every
+         *        frozen bit position. It defines if a frozen bit is
+         *        fixed to '0' or '1'. Defaults to all ZERO.
+         * \param is_packed choose 1 active bit/byte or 8 active
+         *        bit/byte. if false, VOLK polar encoder is used.
+         */
+        static generic_encoder::sptr make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                                          std::vector<int> 
+                                          std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values,
+                                          bool is_packed = false);
+        ~polar_encoder();
-      // FECAPI
-      void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
-      double rate(){return (1.0 * get_input_size() / get_output_size());};
-      int get_input_size(){return num_info_bits() / (d_is_packed ? 8 : 1);};
-      int get_output_size(){return block_size() / (d_is_packed ? 8 : 1);};
-      bool set_frame_size(unsigned int frame_size){return false;};
-      const char* get_input_conversion(){return d_is_packed ? "pack" : 
-      const char* get_output_conversion(){return d_is_packed ? "packed_bits" : 
+        // FECAPI
+        void generic_work(void *in_buffer, void *out_buffer);
+        double rate(){return (1.0 * get_input_size() / get_output_size());};
+        int get_input_size(){return num_info_bits() / (d_is_packed ? 8 : 1);};
+        int get_output_size(){return block_size() / (d_is_packed ? 8 : 1);};
+        bool set_frame_size(unsigned int frame_size){return false;};
+        const char* get_input_conversion(){return d_is_packed ? "pack" : 
+        const char* get_output_conversion(){return d_is_packed ? "packed_bits" 
: "none";};
-    private:
-      polar_encoder(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                    std::vector<int>& frozen_bit_positions,
-                    std::vector<char>& frozen_bit_values, bool is_packed);
-      std::vector<int> d_info_bit_reversed_positions;
-      bool d_is_packed;
+      private:
+        polar_encoder(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                      std::vector<int>& frozen_bit_positions,
+                      std::vector<char>& frozen_bit_values, bool is_packed);
+        std::vector<int> d_info_bit_reversed_positions;
+        bool d_is_packed;
-      // c'tor method for packed algorithm setup.
-      void setup_frozen_bit_inserter();
+        // c'tor method for packed algorithm setup.
+        void setup_frozen_bit_inserter();
-      // methods insert input bits and frozen bits into packed array for 
-      unsigned char* d_frozen_bit_prototype; // packed frozen bits are written 
onto it and later copies are used.
-      void insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(unsigned char* target,
-                                                 const unsigned char* input) 
-      void insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned char* 
+        // methods insert input bits and frozen bits into packed array for 
+        unsigned char* d_frozen_bit_prototype; // packed frozen bits are 
written onto it and later copies are used.
+        void insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(unsigned char* target,
+                                                   const unsigned char* input) 
+        void insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned char* 
+                                                               const unsigned 
char bit,
+                                                               const int pos) 
+        void insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned char* 
                                                              const unsigned 
char bit,
-                                                             const int pos) 
-      void insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned char* 
-                                                           const unsigned char 
-                                                           const int 
-                                                           const int bit_pos) 
+                                                             const int 
+                                                             const int 
bit_pos) const;
-      // packed encoding methods
-      void encode_vector_packed(unsigned char* target) const;
-      void encode_vector_packed_subbyte(unsigned char* target) const;
-      void encode_packed_byte(unsigned char* target) const;
-      void encode_vector_packed_interbyte(unsigned char* target) const;
+        // packed encoding methods
+        void encode_vector_packed(unsigned char* target) const;
+        void encode_vector_packed_subbyte(unsigned char* target) const;
+        void encode_packed_byte(unsigned char* target) const;
+        void encode_vector_packed_interbyte(unsigned char* target) const;
-      // VOLK methods
-      void setup_volk_vectors();
-      void volk_encode(unsigned char* out_buf, const unsigned char* in_buf);
-      unsigned char* d_temp;
-      unsigned char* d_frozen_bit_mask;
-      unsigned char* d_frozen_bits;
-    };
+        // VOLK methods
+        void setup_volk_vectors();
+        void volk_encode(unsigned char* out_buf, const unsigned char* in_buf);
+        unsigned char* d_temp;
+        unsigned char* d_frozen_bit_mask;
+        unsigned char* d_frozen_bits;
+      };
     } // namespace code
   } // namespace fec
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
index 9952ba0..ff78d34 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -39,97 +39,97 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    polar_common::polar_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                               std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                               std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values) :
-            d_frozen_bit_positions(frozen_bit_positions), 
-            d_block_size(block_size), d_block_power((int) 
-            d_num_info_bits(num_info_bits)
-    {
-      if(pow(2, d_block_power) != d_block_size){
-        throw std::runtime_error("block_size MUST be a power of 2!");
-      }
+      polar_common::polar_common(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                                 std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                                 std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values) :
+        d_frozen_bit_positions(frozen_bit_positions), 
+        d_block_size(block_size), d_block_power((int) log2(float(block_size))),
+        d_num_info_bits(num_info_bits)
+      {
+        if(pow(2, d_block_power) != d_block_size){
+          throw std::runtime_error("block_size MUST be a power of 2!");
+        }
-      unsigned int num_frozen_bits = d_block_size - d_num_info_bits;
-      if(num_frozen_bits != d_frozen_bit_positions.size()){
-        throw std::runtime_error(
-            "number of frozen bit positions must equal block_size - 
-      }
+        unsigned int num_frozen_bits = d_block_size - d_num_info_bits;
+        if(num_frozen_bits != d_frozen_bit_positions.size()){
+          throw std::runtime_error(
+                                   "number of frozen bit positions must equal 
block_size - num_info_bits");
+        }
-      // According to papers frozen bits default to '0'.
-      while(d_frozen_bit_values.size() < num_frozen_bits){
-        d_frozen_bit_values.push_back(0);
+        // According to papers frozen bits default to '0'.
+        while(d_frozen_bit_values.size() < num_frozen_bits){
+          d_frozen_bit_values.push_back(0);
+        }
+        initialize_info_bit_position_vector();
+        d_unpacker = new gr::blocks::kernel::unpack_k_bits(8);
-      initialize_info_bit_position_vector();
-      d_unpacker = new gr::blocks::kernel::unpack_k_bits(8);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_common::initialize_info_bit_position_vector()
-    {
-      int num_frozen_bit = 0;
-      int frozen_pos =;
-      for(int i = 0; i < d_block_size; i++) {
-        if(i != frozen_pos) {
-          d_info_bit_positions.push_back((int) i);
+      void
+      polar_common::initialize_info_bit_position_vector()
+      {
+        int num_frozen_bit = 0;
+        int frozen_pos =;
+        for(int i = 0; i < d_block_size; i++) {
+          if(i != frozen_pos) {
+            d_info_bit_positions.push_back((int) i);
+          }
+          else {
+            num_frozen_bit++;
+            num_frozen_bit = std::min(num_frozen_bit, (int) 
(d_frozen_bit_positions.size() - 1));
+            frozen_pos =;
+          }
-        else {
-          num_frozen_bit++;
-          num_frozen_bit = std::min(num_frozen_bit, (int) 
(d_frozen_bit_positions.size() - 1));
-          frozen_pos =;
+        if((int) d_info_bit_positions.size() != num_info_bits()) {
+          throw std::runtime_error("polar_common: number of info bit positions 
MUST equal num_info_bits (K)!");
-      if((int) d_info_bit_positions.size() != num_info_bits()) {
-        throw std::runtime_error("polar_common: number of info bit positions 
MUST equal num_info_bits (K)!");
+      polar_common::~polar_common()
+      {
+        delete d_unpacker;
-    }
-    polar_common::~polar_common()
-    {
-      delete d_unpacker;
-    }
-    long
-    polar_common::bit_reverse(long value, int active_bits) const
-    {
-      long r = 0;
-      for(int i = 0; i < active_bits; i++) {
-        r <<= 1;
-        r |= value & 1;
-        value >>= 1;
+      long
+      polar_common::bit_reverse(long value, int active_bits) const
+      {
+        long r = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i < active_bits; i++) {
+          r <<= 1;
+          r |= value & 1;
+          value >>= 1;
+        }
+        return r;
-      return r;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_common::print_packed_bit_array(const unsigned char* printed_array,
-                                          const int num_bytes) const
-    {
-      int num_bits = num_bytes << 3;
-      unsigned char* temp = new unsigned char[num_bits];
-      d_unpacker->unpack(temp, printed_array, num_bytes);
-      std::cout << "[";
-      for(int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
-        std::cout << (int) *(temp + i) << " ";
+      void
+      polar_common::print_packed_bit_array(const unsigned char* printed_array,
+                                           const int num_bytes) const
+      {
+        int num_bits = num_bytes << 3;
+        unsigned char* temp = new unsigned char[num_bits];
+        d_unpacker->unpack(temp, printed_array, num_bytes);
+        std::cout << "[";
+        for(int i = 0; i < num_bits; i++) {
+          std::cout << (int) *(temp + i) << " ";
+        }
+        std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
+        delete [] temp;
-      std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
-      delete [] temp;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_common::print_unpacked_bit_array(const unsigned char* bits,
-                                                    const unsigned int 
num_bytes) const
-    {
-      std::cout << "( ";
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++){
-        std::cout << (int) *bits++ << ", ";
+      void
+      polar_common::print_unpacked_bit_array(const unsigned char* bits,
+                                             const unsigned int num_bytes) 
+      {
+        std::cout << "( ";
+        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++){
+          std::cout << (int) *bits++ << ", ";
+        }
+        std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
-      std::cout << ")" << std::endl;
-    }
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ 
index cb5a6db..8fc2e37 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -34,159 +34,159 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    polar_decoder_common::polar_decoder_common(int block_size, int 
-                                               std::vector<int> 
-                                               std::vector<char> 
frozen_bit_values) :
-      polar_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
-      d_frozen_bit_counter(0)
-    {
-    }
-    polar_decoder_common::~polar_decoder_common()
-    {
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::initialize_decoder(unsigned char* u, float* llrs, 
const float* input)
-    {
-      volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(llrs + block_size() * block_power(), input, 
D_LLR_FACTOR, block_size());
-      memset(u, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * block_size() * block_power());
-      d_frozen_bit_counter = 0;
-    }
-    float
-    polar_decoder_common::llr_odd(const float la, const float lb) const
-    {
-      return copysignf(1.0f, la) * copysignf(1.0f, lb) * std::min(fabs(la), 
-    }
-    float
-    polar_decoder_common::llr_even(const float la, const float lb, const 
unsigned char f) const
-    {
-      switch(f){
+      polar_decoder_common::polar_decoder_common(int block_size, int 
+                                                 std::vector<int> 
+                                                 std::vector<char> 
frozen_bit_values) :
+        polar_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
+        d_frozen_bit_counter(0)
+      {
+      }
+      polar_decoder_common::~polar_decoder_common()
+      {
+      }
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::initialize_decoder(unsigned char* u, float* llrs, 
const float* input)
+      {
+        volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(llrs + block_size() * block_power(), input, 
D_LLR_FACTOR, block_size());
+        memset(u, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * block_size() * block_power());
+        d_frozen_bit_counter = 0;
+      }
+      float
+      polar_decoder_common::llr_odd(const float la, const float lb) const
+      {
+        return copysignf(1.0f, la) * copysignf(1.0f, lb) * std::min(fabs(la), 
+      }
+      float
+      polar_decoder_common::llr_even(const float la, const float lb, const 
unsigned char f) const
+      {
+        switch(f){
         case 0:
           return lb + la;
           return lb - la;
+        }
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::butterfly(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int 
stage, const int u_num,
-                                    const int row)
-    {
-      butterfly_volk(llrs, u, stage, u_num, row);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::butterfly_generic(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, 
const int stage,
-                                            const int u_num, const int row)
-    {
-      const int next_stage = stage + 1;
-      const int half_stage_size = 0x01 << stage;
-      const int stage_size = half_stage_size << 1;
-      const bool is_upper_stage_half = row % stage_size < half_stage_size;
-      //      // this is a natural bit order impl
-      float* next_llrs = llrs + block_size(); // LLRs are stored in a 
consecutive array.
-      float* call_row_llr = llrs + row;
-      const int section = row - (row % stage_size);
-      const int jump_size = ((row % half_stage_size) << 1) % stage_size;
-      const int next_upper_row = section + jump_size;
-      const int next_lower_row = next_upper_row + 1;
-      const float* upper_right_llr_ptr = next_llrs + next_upper_row;
-      const float* lower_right_llr_ptr = next_llrs + next_lower_row;
-      if(!is_upper_stage_half){
-        const int u_pos = u_num >> stage;
-        const unsigned char f = u[u_pos - 1];
-        *call_row_llr = llr_even(*upper_right_llr_ptr, *lower_right_llr_ptr, 
-        return;
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::butterfly(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const int 
+                                      const int u_num, const int row)
+      {
+        butterfly_volk(llrs, u, stage, u_num, row);
-      if(block_power() > next_stage){
-        unsigned char* u_half = u + block_size();
-        odd_xor_even_values(u_half, u, u_num);
-        butterfly(next_llrs, u_half, next_stage, u_num, next_upper_row);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::butterfly_generic(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, 
const int stage,
+                                              const int u_num, const int row)
+      {
+        const int next_stage = stage + 1;
+        const int half_stage_size = 0x01 << stage;
+        const int stage_size = half_stage_size << 1;
+        const bool is_upper_stage_half = row % stage_size < half_stage_size;
+        //      // this is a natural bit order impl
+        float* next_llrs = llrs + block_size(); // LLRs are stored in a 
consecutive array.
+        float* call_row_llr = llrs + row;
+        const int section = row - (row % stage_size);
+        const int jump_size = ((row % half_stage_size) << 1) % stage_size;
+        const int next_upper_row = section + jump_size;
+        const int next_lower_row = next_upper_row + 1;
+        const float* upper_right_llr_ptr = next_llrs + next_upper_row;
+        const float* lower_right_llr_ptr = next_llrs + next_lower_row;
+        if(!is_upper_stage_half){
+          const int u_pos = u_num >> stage;
+          const unsigned char f = u[u_pos - 1];
+          *call_row_llr = llr_even(*upper_right_llr_ptr, *lower_right_llr_ptr, 
+          return;
+        }
+        if(block_power() > next_stage){
+          unsigned char* u_half = u + block_size();
+          odd_xor_even_values(u_half, u, u_num);
+          butterfly(next_llrs, u_half, next_stage, u_num, next_upper_row);
+          even_u_values(u_half, u, u_num);
+          butterfly(next_llrs, u_half, next_stage, u_num, next_lower_row);
+        }
-        even_u_values(u_half, u, u_num);
-        butterfly(next_llrs, u_half, next_stage, u_num, next_lower_row);
+        *call_row_llr = llr_odd(*upper_right_llr_ptr, *lower_right_llr_ptr);
-      *call_row_llr = llr_odd(*upper_right_llr_ptr, *lower_right_llr_ptr);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::butterfly_volk(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, const 
int stage,
-                                         const int u_num, const int row)
-    {
-      volk_32f_8u_polarbutterfly_32f(llrs, u, block_size(), block_power(), 
stage, u_num, row);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::even_u_values(unsigned char* u_even, const unsigned 
char* u,
-                                             const int u_num)
-    {
-      u++;
-      for(int i = 1; i < u_num; i += 2){
-        *u_even++ = *u;
-        u += 2;
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::butterfly_volk(float* llrs, unsigned char* u, 
const int stage,
+                                           const int u_num, const int row)
+      {
+        volk_32f_8u_polarbutterfly_32f(llrs, u, block_size(), block_power(), 
stage, u_num, row);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::odd_xor_even_values(unsigned char* u_xor, const 
unsigned char* u,
-                                                   const int u_num)
-    {
-      for(int i = 1; i < u_num; i += 2){
-        *u_xor++ = *u ^ *(u + 1);
-        u += 2;
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::even_u_values(unsigned char* u_even, const 
unsigned char* u,
+                                          const int u_num)
+      {
+        u++;
+        for(int i = 1; i < u_num; i += 2){
+          *u_even++ = *u;
+          u += 2;
+        }
-    }
-    const bool
-    polar_decoder_common::is_frozen_bit(const int u_num) const
-    {
-      return d_frozen_bit_counter < d_frozen_bit_positions.size() && u_num ==;
-    }
-    const unsigned char
-    polar_decoder_common::next_frozen_bit()
-    {
-      return d_frozen_bit_values[d_frozen_bit_counter++];
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::extract_info_bits(unsigned char* output, const 
unsigned char* input) const
-    {
-      unsigned int frozenbit_num = 0;
-      for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
-        if(frozenbit_num < d_frozen_bit_positions.size() && == i){
-          frozenbit_num++;
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::odd_xor_even_values(unsigned char* u_xor, const 
unsigned char* u,
+                                                const int u_num)
+      {
+        for(int i = 1; i < u_num; i += 2){
+          *u_xor++ = *u ^ *(u + 1);
+          u += 2;
-        else{
-          *output++ = *input;
+      }
+      const bool
+      polar_decoder_common::is_frozen_bit(const int u_num) const
+      {
+        return d_frozen_bit_counter < d_frozen_bit_positions.size() && u_num 
+      }
+      const unsigned char
+      polar_decoder_common::next_frozen_bit()
+      {
+        return d_frozen_bit_values[d_frozen_bit_counter++];
+      }
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::extract_info_bits(unsigned char* output, const 
unsigned char* input) const
+      {
+        unsigned int frozenbit_num = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
+          if(frozenbit_num < d_frozen_bit_positions.size() && == i){
+            frozenbit_num++;
+          }
+          else{
+            *output++ = *input;
+          }
+          input++;
-        input++;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_common::print_pretty_llr_vector(const float* llr_vec) const
-    {
-      for(int row = 0; row < block_size(); row++) {
-        std::cout << row << "->" << int(bit_reverse(row, block_power())) << 
-        for(int stage = 0; stage < block_power() + 1; stage++) {
-          printf("%+4.2f, ", llr_vec[(stage * block_size()) + row]);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_common::print_pretty_llr_vector(const float* llr_vec) const
+      {
+        for(int row = 0; row < block_size(); row++) {
+          std::cout << row << "->" << int(bit_reverse(row, block_power())) << 
+          for(int stage = 0; stage < block_power() + 1; stage++) {
+            printf("%+4.2f, ", llr_vec[(stage * block_size()) + row]);
+          }
+          std::cout << std::endl;
-        std::cout << std::endl;
-    }
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
index 1412946..c4ac887 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -35,62 +35,62 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    generic_decoder::sptr
-    polar_decoder_sc::make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                           std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                           std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values)
-    {
-      return generic_decoder::sptr
-        (new polar_decoder_sc(block_size, num_info_bits,
-                              frozen_bit_positions,
-                              frozen_bit_values));
-    }
+      generic_decoder::sptr
+      polar_decoder_sc::make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                             std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                             std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values)
+      {
+        return generic_decoder::sptr
+          (new polar_decoder_sc(block_size, num_info_bits,
+                                frozen_bit_positions,
+                                frozen_bit_values));
+      }
-    polar_decoder_sc::polar_decoder_sc(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                                       std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                                       std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values) :
-      polar_decoder_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
-    {
-      d_llr_vec = (float*) volk_malloc(sizeof(float) * block_size * 
(block_power() + 1), volk_get_alignment());
-      memset(d_llr_vec, 0, sizeof(float) * block_size * (block_power() + 1));
-      d_u_hat_vec = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(block_size * (block_power() + 
1), volk_get_alignment());
-      memset(d_u_hat_vec, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * block_size * 
(block_power() + 1));
-    }
+      polar_decoder_sc::polar_decoder_sc(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                                         std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                                         std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values) :
+        polar_decoder_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
+      {
+        d_llr_vec = (float*) volk_malloc(sizeof(float) * block_size * 
(block_power() + 1), volk_get_alignment());
+        memset(d_llr_vec, 0, sizeof(float) * block_size * (block_power() + 1));
+        d_u_hat_vec = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(block_size * (block_power() 
+ 1), volk_get_alignment());
+        memset(d_u_hat_vec, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * block_size * 
(block_power() + 1));
+      }
-    polar_decoder_sc::~polar_decoder_sc()
-    {
-      volk_free(d_llr_vec);
-      volk_free(d_u_hat_vec);
-    }
+      polar_decoder_sc::~polar_decoder_sc()
+      {
+        volk_free(d_llr_vec);
+        volk_free(d_u_hat_vec);
+      }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
-    {
-      const float *in = (const float*) in_buffer;
-      unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
+      {
+        const float *in = (const float*) in_buffer;
+        unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
-      initialize_decoder(d_u_hat_vec, d_llr_vec, in);
-      sc_decode(d_llr_vec, d_u_hat_vec);
-      extract_info_bits(out, d_u_hat_vec);
-    }
+        initialize_decoder(d_u_hat_vec, d_llr_vec, in);
+        sc_decode(d_llr_vec, d_u_hat_vec);
+        extract_info_bits(out, d_u_hat_vec);
+      }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc::sc_decode(float* llrs, unsigned char* u)
-    {
-      for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
-        butterfly(llrs, u, 0, i, i);
-        u[i] = retrieve_bit_from_llr(llrs[i], i);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc::sc_decode(float* llrs, unsigned char* u)
+      {
+        for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
+          butterfly(llrs, u, 0, i, i);
+          u[i] = retrieve_bit_from_llr(llrs[i], i);
+        }
-    }
-    unsigned char
-    polar_decoder_sc::retrieve_bit_from_llr(float llr, const int pos)
-    {
-      if(is_frozen_bit(pos)){
-        return next_frozen_bit();
+      unsigned char
+      polar_decoder_sc::retrieve_bit_from_llr(float llr, const int pos)
+      {
+        if(is_frozen_bit(pos)){
+          return next_frozen_bit();
+        }
+        return llr_bit_decision(llr);
-      return llr_bit_decision(llr);
-    }
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ 
index 041cd89..903b941 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -36,87 +36,87 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    generic_decoder::sptr
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::make(int max_list_size, int block_size, int 
-                                std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                                std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values)
-    {
-      return generic_decoder::sptr(
-          new polar_decoder_sc_list(max_list_size, block_size, num_info_bits,
-                                    frozen_bit_positions,
-                                    frozen_bit_values));
-    }
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::polar_decoder_sc_list(int max_list_size, int 
-                                                 int num_info_bits,
-                                                 std::vector<int> 
-                                                 std::vector<char> 
frozen_bit_values) :
-      polar_decoder_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
-    {
-      d_scl = new polar::scl_list(max_list_size, block_size, block_power());
-    }
+      generic_decoder::sptr
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::make(int max_list_size, int block_size, int 
+                                  std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                                  std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values)
+      {
+        return generic_decoder::sptr
+          (new polar_decoder_sc_list(max_list_size, block_size, num_info_bits,
+                                     frozen_bit_positions,
+                                     frozen_bit_values));
+      }
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::~polar_decoder_sc_list()
-    {
-      delete d_scl;
-    }
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::polar_decoder_sc_list(int max_list_size, int 
+                                                   int num_info_bits,
+                                                   std::vector<int> 
+                                                   std::vector<char> 
+        : polar_decoder_common(block_size, num_info_bits, 
frozen_bit_positions, frozen_bit_values)
+      {
+        d_scl = new polar::scl_list(max_list_size, block_size, block_power());
+      }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
-    {
-      const float *in = (const float*) in_buffer;
-      unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::~polar_decoder_sc_list()
+      {
+        delete d_scl;
+      }
-      initialize_list(in);
-      const unsigned char* temp = decode_list();
-      extract_info_bits(out, temp);
-    }
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
+      {
+        const float *in = (const float*) in_buffer;
+        unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::initialize_list(const float* in_buf)
-    {
-      polar::path* init_path = d_scl->initial_path();
-      initialize_decoder(init_path->u_vec, init_path->llr_vec, in_buf);
-    }
+        initialize_list(in);
+        const unsigned char* temp = decode_list();
+        extract_info_bits(out, temp);
+      }
-    const unsigned char*
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::decode_list()
-    {
-      for(int u_num = 0; u_num < block_size(); u_num++){
-        decode_bit(u_num);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::initialize_list(const float* in_buf)
+      {
+        polar::path* init_path = d_scl->initial_path();
+        initialize_decoder(init_path->u_vec, init_path->llr_vec, in_buf);
-      return d_scl->optimal_path()->u_vec;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::decode_bit(const int u_num)
-    {
-      calculate_llrs_for_list(u_num);
-      set_bit_in_list(u_num);
-    }
+      const unsigned char*
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::decode_list()
+      {
+        for(int u_num = 0; u_num < block_size(); u_num++){
+          decode_bit(u_num);
+        }
+        return d_scl->optimal_path()->u_vec;
+      }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::calculate_llrs_for_list(const int u_num)
-    {
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_scl->active_size(); i++){
-        polar::path* current_path = d_scl->next_active_path();
-        butterfly(current_path->llr_vec, current_path->u_vec, 0, u_num, u_num);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::decode_bit(const int u_num)
+      {
+        calculate_llrs_for_list(u_num);
+        set_bit_in_list(u_num);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_decoder_sc_list::set_bit_in_list(const int u_num)
-    {
-      // 1. if frozen bit, update with known value
-      if(is_frozen_bit(u_num)){
-        const unsigned char frozen_bit = next_frozen_bit();
-        d_scl->set_frozen_bit(frozen_bit, u_num);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::calculate_llrs_for_list(const int u_num)
+      {
+        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_scl->active_size(); i++){
+          polar::path* current_path = d_scl->next_active_path();
+          butterfly(current_path->llr_vec, current_path->u_vec, 0, u_num, 
+        }
-      // 2. info bit
-      else{
-        d_scl->set_info_bit(u_num);
+      void
+      polar_decoder_sc_list::set_bit_in_list(const int u_num)
+      {
+        // 1. if frozen bit, update with known value
+        if(is_frozen_bit(u_num)){
+          const unsigned char frozen_bit = next_frozen_bit();
+          d_scl->set_frozen_bit(frozen_bit, u_num);
+        }
+        // 2. info bit
+        else{
+          d_scl->set_info_bit(u_num);
+        }
-    }
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
index ed5288b..350f490 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -37,197 +37,197 @@ namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
-    generic_encoder::sptr
-    polar_encoder::make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                        std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
-                        std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values, bool is_packed)
-    {
-      return generic_encoder::sptr
-        (new polar_encoder(block_size, num_info_bits,
-                           frozen_bit_positions,
-                           frozen_bit_values,
-                           is_packed));
-    }
-    polar_encoder::polar_encoder(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
-                                 std::vector<int>& frozen_bit_positions,
-                                 std::vector<char>& frozen_bit_values, bool 
is_packed) :
+      generic_encoder::sptr
+      polar_encoder::make(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                          std::vector<int> frozen_bit_positions,
+                          std::vector<char> frozen_bit_values, bool is_packed)
+      {
+        return generic_encoder::sptr
+          (new polar_encoder(block_size, num_info_bits,
+                             frozen_bit_positions,
+                             frozen_bit_values,
+                             is_packed));
+      }
+      polar_encoder::polar_encoder(int block_size, int num_info_bits,
+                                   std::vector<int>& frozen_bit_positions,
+                                   std::vector<char>& frozen_bit_values, bool 
is_packed) :
         polar_common(block_size, num_info_bits, frozen_bit_positions, 
-    {
-      setup_frozen_bit_inserter();
-      setup_volk_vectors();
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::setup_frozen_bit_inserter()
-    {
-      d_frozen_bit_prototype = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(block_size() >> 3,
-      memset(d_frozen_bit_prototype, 0, block_size() >> 3);
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_frozen_bit_positions.size(); i++) {
-        int rev_pos = (int) bit_reverse((long), 
-        unsigned char frozen_bit = (unsigned char);
-                                                          rev_pos);
+      {
+        setup_frozen_bit_inserter();
+        setup_volk_vectors();
-      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_info_bit_positions.size(); i++){
-        d_info_bit_reversed_positions.push_back((int) bit_reverse((long), block_power()));
+      void
+      polar_encoder::setup_frozen_bit_inserter()
+      {
+        d_frozen_bit_prototype = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(block_size() >> 
+        memset(d_frozen_bit_prototype, 0, block_size() >> 3);
+        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_frozen_bit_positions.size(); i++) {
+          int rev_pos = (int) bit_reverse((long), 
+          unsigned char frozen_bit = (unsigned char);
+                                                            rev_pos);
+        }
+        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_info_bit_positions.size(); i++){
+          d_info_bit_reversed_positions.push_back((int) bit_reverse((long), block_power()));
+        }
+        if((int) d_info_bit_reversed_positions.size() != num_info_bits()) {
+          throw std::runtime_error("polar_encoder: number of info bit 
positions MUST equal num_info_bits (K)!");
+        }
-      if((int) d_info_bit_reversed_positions.size() != num_info_bits()) {
-        throw std::runtime_error("polar_encoder: number of info bit positions 
MUST equal num_info_bits (K)!");
+      void
+      polar_encoder::setup_volk_vectors()
+      {
+        int nfrozen = block_size() - num_info_bits();
+        d_temp = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 
block_size(), volk_get_alignment());
+        d_frozen_bit_mask = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) 
* block_size(), volk_get_alignment());
+        d_frozen_bits = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 
nfrozen, volk_get_alignment());
+        for(int i = 0; i < nfrozen; i++){
+          d_frozen_bits[i] = d_frozen_bit_values[i];
+        }
+        int nfbit = 0;
+        for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
+          unsigned char m = 0x00;
+          if(d_frozen_bit_positions[nfbit] == i){
+            m = 0xFF;
+            nfbit++;
+          }
+          d_frozen_bit_mask[i] = m;
+        }
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::setup_volk_vectors()
-    {
-      int nfrozen = block_size() - num_info_bits();
-      d_temp = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 
block_size(), volk_get_alignment());
-      d_frozen_bit_mask = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 
block_size(), volk_get_alignment());
-      d_frozen_bits = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 
nfrozen, volk_get_alignment());
-      for(int i = 0; i < nfrozen; i++){
-        d_frozen_bits[i] = d_frozen_bit_values[i];
+      polar_encoder::~polar_encoder()
+      {
+        volk_free(d_frozen_bit_prototype);
+        volk_free(d_temp);
+        volk_free(d_frozen_bit_mask);
+        volk_free(d_frozen_bits);
-      int nfbit = 0;
-      for(int i = 0; i < block_size(); i++){
-        unsigned char m = 0x00;
-        if(d_frozen_bit_positions[nfbit] == i){
-          m = 0xFF;
-          nfbit++;
+      void
+      polar_encoder::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
+      {
+        const unsigned char *in = (const unsigned char*) in_buffer;
+        unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
+        if(d_is_packed){
+          insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(out, in);
+          encode_vector_packed(out);
+        }
+        else{
+          volk_encode(out, in);
-        d_frozen_bit_mask[i] = m;
-    }
-    polar_encoder::~polar_encoder()
-    {
-      volk_free(d_frozen_bit_prototype);
-      volk_free(d_temp);
-      volk_free(d_frozen_bit_mask);
-      volk_free(d_frozen_bits);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::generic_work(void* in_buffer, void* out_buffer)
-    {
-      const unsigned char *in = (const unsigned char*) in_buffer;
-      unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*) out_buffer;
-      if(d_is_packed){
-        insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(out, in);
-        encode_vector_packed(out);
+      void
+      polar_encoder::volk_encode(unsigned char* out_buf, const unsigned char* 
+      {
+        volk_8u_x3_encodepolar_8u_x2(out_buf, d_temp, d_frozen_bit_mask, 
d_frozen_bits, in_buf, block_size());
-      else{
-        volk_encode(out, in);
+      void
+      polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed(unsigned char* target) const
+      {
+        encode_vector_packed_subbyte(target);
+        encode_vector_packed_interbyte(target);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::volk_encode(unsigned char* out_buf, const unsigned char* 
-    {
-      volk_8u_x3_encodepolar_8u_x2(out_buf, d_temp, d_frozen_bit_mask, 
d_frozen_bits, in_buf, block_size());
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed(unsigned char* target) const
-    {
-      encode_vector_packed_subbyte(target);
-      encode_vector_packed_interbyte(target);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed_subbyte(unsigned char* target) const
-    {
-      int num_bytes_per_block = block_size() >> 3;
-      while(num_bytes_per_block) {
-        encode_packed_byte(target);
-        ++target;
-        --num_bytes_per_block;
+      void
+      polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed_subbyte(unsigned char* target) const
+      {
+        int num_bytes_per_block = block_size() >> 3;
+        while(num_bytes_per_block) {
+          encode_packed_byte(target);
+          ++target;
+          --num_bytes_per_block;
+        }
+      }
+      void
+      polar_encoder::encode_packed_byte(unsigned char* target) const
+      {
+        // this method only produces correct results if block_size > 4.
+        // this is assumed to be the case.
+        *target ^= 0xaa & (*target << 1);
+        *target ^= 0xcc & (*target << 2);
+        *target ^= *target << 4;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::encode_packed_byte(unsigned char* target) const
-    {
-      // this method only produces correct results if block_size > 4.
-      // this is assumed to be the case.
-      *target ^= 0xaa & (*target << 1);
-      *target ^= 0xcc & (*target << 2);
-      *target ^= *target << 4;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed_interbyte(unsigned char* target) const
-    {
-      int branch_byte_size = 1;
-      unsigned char* pos;
-      int n_branches = block_size() >> 4;
-      int byte = 0;
-      for(int stage = 3; stage < block_power(); ++stage) {
-        pos = target;
-        for(int branch = 0; branch < n_branches; ++branch) {
-          byte = 0;
-          while(byte < branch_byte_size) {
-            *pos ^= *(pos + branch_byte_size);
-            ++pos;
-            ++byte;
+      void
+      polar_encoder::encode_vector_packed_interbyte(unsigned char* target) 
+      {
+        int branch_byte_size = 1;
+        unsigned char* pos;
+        int n_branches = block_size() >> 4;
+        int byte = 0;
+        for(int stage = 3; stage < block_power(); ++stage) {
+          pos = target;
+          for(int branch = 0; branch < n_branches; ++branch) {
+            byte = 0;
+            while(byte < branch_byte_size) {
+              *pos ^= *(pos + branch_byte_size);
+              ++pos;
+              ++byte;
+            }
+            pos += branch_byte_size;
-          pos += branch_byte_size;
+          n_branches >>= 1;
+          branch_byte_size <<= 1;
-        n_branches >>= 1;
-        branch_byte_size <<= 1;
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(unsigned char* target,
-                                                         const unsigned char* 
input) const
-    {
-      memcpy(target, d_frozen_bit_prototype, block_size() >> 3);
-      const int* info_bit_reversed_positions_ptr = 
-      int bit_num = 0;
-      unsigned char byte = *input;
-      int bit_pos;
-      while(bit_num < num_info_bits()) {
-        bit_pos = *info_bit_reversed_positions_ptr++;
-        insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(target, byte, bit_pos, 
bit_num % 8);
-        ++bit_num;
-        if(bit_num % 8 == 0) {
-          ++input;
-          byte = *input;
+      void
+      polar_encoder::insert_packed_frozen_bits_and_reverse(unsigned char* 
+                                                           const unsigned 
char* input) const
+      {
+        memcpy(target, d_frozen_bit_prototype, block_size() >> 3);
+        const int* info_bit_reversed_positions_ptr = 
+        int bit_num = 0;
+        unsigned char byte = *input;
+        int bit_pos;
+        while(bit_num < num_info_bits()) {
+          bit_pos = *info_bit_reversed_positions_ptr++;
+          insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(target, byte, 
bit_pos, bit_num % 8);
+          ++bit_num;
+          if(bit_num % 8 == 0) {
+            ++input;
+            byte = *input;
+          }
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned 
char* target,
+      void
polar_encoder::insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned char* 
+                                                                       const 
unsigned char bit,
+                                                                       const 
int pos) const
+      {
+        int byte_pos = pos >> 3;
+        int bit_pos = pos & 0x7;
+        *(target + byte_pos) ^= bit << (7 - bit_pos);
+      }
+      void
+      polar_encoder::insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned 
char* target,
unsigned char bit,
-                                                                     const int 
pos) const
-    {
-      int byte_pos = pos >> 3;
-      int bit_pos = pos & 0x7;
-      *(target + byte_pos) ^= bit << (7 - bit_pos);
-    }
-    void
-    polar_encoder::insert_packet_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(unsigned 
char* target,
-                                                                   const 
unsigned char bit,
-                                                                   const int 
-                                                                   const int 
bit_pos) const
-    {
-      insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(target, (bit >> (7 - 
bit_pos)) & 0x01,
-                                                        target_pos);
-    }
+                                                                     const int 
+                                                                     const int 
bit_pos) const
+      {
+        insert_unpacked_bit_into_packed_array_at_position(target, (bit >> (7 - 
bit_pos)) & 0x01,
+                                                          target_pos);
+      }
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/ b/gr-fec/lib/
index 5ad8037..ab6e81d 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/
@@ -31,163 +31,163 @@ namespace gr {
     namespace code {
       namespace polar {
-      scl_list::scl_list(const unsigned int size,
-                         const unsigned int block_size,
-                         const unsigned int block_power):
+        scl_list::scl_list(const unsigned int size,
+                           const unsigned int block_size,
+                           const unsigned int block_power):
           d_list_size(size), d_block_size(block_size), 
           d_num_buff_elements(block_size * (block_power + 1))
-      {
-        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2 * size; i++){
-          d_path_list.push_back(new path());
+        {
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 2 * size; i++){
+            d_path_list.push_back(new path());
+          }
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++){
+            d_path_list[i]->llr_vec = (float*) volk_malloc(sizeof(float) * 
d_num_buff_elements, volk_get_alignment());
+            memset(d_path_list[i]->llr_vec, 0, sizeof(float) * 
+            d_path_list[i]->u_vec = (unsigned char*) 
volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * d_num_buff_elements, volk_get_alignment());
+            memset(d_path_list[i]->u_vec, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
+            d_path_list[i]->owns_vectors = true;
+          }
+          d_path_list[0]->is_active = true;
+          d_active_path_counter = 1;
+          d_active_pos = 0;
-        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++){
-          d_path_list[i]->llr_vec = (float*) volk_malloc(sizeof(float) * 
d_num_buff_elements, volk_get_alignment());
-          memset(d_path_list[i]->llr_vec, 0, sizeof(float) * 
-          d_path_list[i]->u_vec = (unsigned char*) volk_malloc(sizeof(unsigned 
char) * d_num_buff_elements, volk_get_alignment());
-          memset(d_path_list[i]->u_vec, 0, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
-          d_path_list[i]->owns_vectors = true;
+        scl_list::~scl_list()
+        {
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_path_list.size(); i++){
+            delete d_path_list[i];
+          }
-        d_path_list[0]->is_active = true;
-        d_active_path_counter = 1;
-        d_active_pos = 0;
-      }
-      scl_list::~scl_list()
-      {
-        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_path_list.size(); i++){
-          delete d_path_list[i];
-        }
-      }
-      const path*
-      scl_list::optimal_path()
-      {
-        const path* temp = *std::min_element(d_path_list.begin(), 
d_path_list.begin() + d_active_path_counter, path_compare);
-        reset();
-        return temp;
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::reset()
-      {
-        // leave 0th element active for next iteration
-        d_path_list[0]->path_metric = 0.0f;
-        for(unsigned int i = 1; i < d_path_list.size(); i++){
-          d_path_list[i]->is_active = false;
-          d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 0.0f;
+        const path*
+        scl_list::optimal_path()
+        {
+          const path* temp = *std::min_element(d_path_list.begin(), 
d_path_list.begin() + d_active_path_counter, path_compare);
+          reset();
+          return temp;
-        d_active_path_counter = 1;
-        d_active_pos = 0;
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::set_info_bit(const int bit_pos)
-      {
-        if(d_active_path_counter < d_list_size) {
-          const int offset = d_active_path_counter;
-          for(int i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
-            duplicate_path(d_path_list[i + offset], d_path_list[i]);
-            d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 
d_path_list[i]->llr_vec[bit_pos], 0);
-            d_path_list[i + offset]->path_metric = update_path_metric(
-                d_path_list[i + offset]->path_metric, d_path_list[i + 
offset]->llr_vec[bit_pos], 1);
-            d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 0;
-            d_path_list[i + offset]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 1;
+        void
+        scl_list::reset()
+        {
+          // leave 0th element active for next iteration
+          d_path_list[0]->path_metric = 0.0f;
+          for(unsigned int i = 1; i < d_path_list.size(); i++){
+            d_path_list[i]->is_active = false;
+            d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 0.0f;
+          d_active_path_counter = 1;
+          d_active_pos = 0;
-        else {
-          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_list_size; i++) {
-            branch_paths(d_path_list[i + d_list_size], d_path_list[i], 
+        void
+        scl_list::set_info_bit(const int bit_pos)
+        {
+          if(d_active_path_counter < d_list_size) {
+            const int offset = d_active_path_counter;
+            for(int i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
+              duplicate_path(d_path_list[i + offset], d_path_list[i]);
+              d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 
d_path_list[i]->llr_vec[bit_pos], 0);
+              d_path_list[i + offset]->path_metric = update_path_metric
+                (d_path_list[i + offset]->path_metric, d_path_list[i + 
offset]->llr_vec[bit_pos], 1);
+              d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 0;
+              d_path_list[i + offset]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 1;
+            }
-          std::sort(d_path_list.begin(), d_path_list.end(), path_compare);
+          else {
-          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_list_size; i++) {
-            if(!d_path_list[i]->owns_vectors) {
-              int t_pos = d_list_size;
-              while(!d_path_list[t_pos]->owns_vectors) {
-                t_pos++;
-              }
-              steal_vector_ownership(d_path_list[i], d_path_list[t_pos]);
-              d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 1;
+            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_list_size; i++) {
+              branch_paths(d_path_list[i + d_list_size], d_path_list[i], 
-            else{
-              d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 0;
+            std::sort(d_path_list.begin(), d_path_list.end(), path_compare);
+            for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_list_size; i++) {
+              if(!d_path_list[i]->owns_vectors) {
+                int t_pos = d_list_size;
+                while(!d_path_list[t_pos]->owns_vectors) {
+                  t_pos++;
+                }
+                steal_vector_ownership(d_path_list[i], d_path_list[t_pos]);
+                d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 1;
+              }
+              else{
+                d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = 0;
+              }
+          d_active_pos = 0;
-        d_active_pos = 0;
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::branch_paths(path* target, path* original, const float llr)
-      {
-        target->path_metric = update_path_metric(original->path_metric, llr, 
-        original->path_metric = update_path_metric(original->path_metric, llr, 
-        target->llr_vec = original->llr_vec;
-        target->u_vec = original->u_vec;
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::steal_vector_ownership(path* target, path* original)
-      {
-        memcpy(original->llr_vec, target->llr_vec, sizeof(float) * 
-        memcpy(original->u_vec, target->u_vec, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
-        target->llr_vec = original->llr_vec;
-        target->u_vec = original->u_vec;
-        target->owns_vectors = true;
-        original->owns_vectors = false;
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::duplicate_path(path* target, const path* original)
-      {
-        memcpy(target->llr_vec, original->llr_vec, sizeof(float) * 
-        memcpy(target->u_vec, original->u_vec, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
-        target->path_metric = original->path_metric;
-        d_active_path_counter++;
-        target->is_active = true;
-      }
-      float
-      scl_list::update_path_metric(const float last_pm, const float llr,
-                                                   const float ui) const
-      {
-        if((ui == 0 && llr > 0.0f) || (ui == 1 && llr < 0.0f)){
-//        if(ui == (unsigned char) (0.5 * 1 - copysignf(1.0f, llr))){
-          return last_pm;
+        void
+        scl_list::branch_paths(path* target, path* original, const float llr)
+        {
+          target->path_metric = update_path_metric(original->path_metric, llr, 
+          original->path_metric = update_path_metric(original->path_metric, 
llr, 0);
+          target->llr_vec = original->llr_vec;
+          target->u_vec = original->u_vec;
-        return last_pm + fabs(llr);
-      }
-      void
-      scl_list::set_frozen_bit(const unsigned char frozen_bit, const int 
-      {
-        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_active_path_counter; i++){
-          d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = frozen_bit;
-          d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 
-                                                           frozen_bit);
+        void
+        scl_list::steal_vector_ownership(path* target, path* original)
+        {
+          memcpy(original->llr_vec, target->llr_vec, sizeof(float) * 
+          memcpy(original->u_vec, target->u_vec, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
+          target->llr_vec = original->llr_vec;
+          target->u_vec = original->u_vec;
+          target->owns_vectors = true;
+          original->owns_vectors = false;
+        }
+        void
+        scl_list::duplicate_path(path* target, const path* original)
+        {
+          memcpy(target->llr_vec, original->llr_vec, sizeof(float) * 
+          memcpy(target->u_vec, original->u_vec, sizeof(unsigned char) * 
+          target->path_metric = original->path_metric;
+          d_active_path_counter++;
+          target->is_active = true;
+        }
+        float
+        scl_list::update_path_metric(const float last_pm, const float llr,
+                                     const float ui) const
+        {
+          if((ui == 0 && llr > 0.0f) || (ui == 1 && llr < 0.0f)){
+            //        if(ui == (unsigned char) (0.5 * 1 - copysignf(1.0f, 
+            return last_pm;
+          }
+          return last_pm + fabs(llr);
+        }
+        void
+        scl_list::set_frozen_bit(const unsigned char frozen_bit, const int 
+        {
+          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < d_active_path_counter; i++){
+            d_path_list[i]->u_vec[bit_pos] = frozen_bit;
+            d_path_list[i]->path_metric = 
+                                                             frozen_bit);
+          }
+          d_active_pos = 0;
-        d_active_pos = 0;
-      }
-      path::path():
-        path_metric(0.0f), owns_vectors(false), is_active(false), 
llr_vec(NULL), u_vec(NULL)
-      {
-      }
-      path::~path(){
-        if(owns_vectors){
-          volk_free(llr_vec);
-          volk_free(u_vec);
+        path::path():
+          path_metric(0.0f), owns_vectors(false), is_active(false), 
llr_vec(NULL), u_vec(NULL)
+        {
+        }
+        path::~path(){
+          if(owns_vectors){
+            volk_free(llr_vec);
+            volk_free(u_vec);
+          }
-      }
-    } /* namespace polar */
+      } /* namespace polar */
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
 } /* namespace gr */
diff --git a/gr-fec/lib/scl_list.h b/gr-fec/lib/scl_list.h
index d0f62f2..8f3fa66 100644
--- a/gr-fec/lib/scl_list.h
+++ b/gr-fec/lib/scl_list.h
@@ -28,58 +28,58 @@
 namespace gr {
   namespace fec {
     namespace code {
+      namespace polar {
-    namespace polar {
-      struct path {
-        path();
-        ~path();
-        float path_metric;
-        bool owns_vectors;
-        bool is_active;
-        float* llr_vec;
-        unsigned char* u_vec;
-      };
+        struct path {
+          path();
+          ~path();
+          float path_metric;
+          bool owns_vectors;
+          bool is_active;
+          float* llr_vec;
+          unsigned char* u_vec;
+        };
-      /*!
-       * \brief List implementation for Successive Cancellation List decoders
-       *
-       */
-      class scl_list{
-        const unsigned int d_list_size;
-        const unsigned int d_block_size;
-        const unsigned int d_block_power;
-        const unsigned int d_num_buff_elements;
-        std::vector<path*> d_path_list;
-        unsigned int d_active_path_counter;
-        unsigned int d_active_pos;
+        /*!
+         * \brief List implementation for Successive Cancellation List decoders
+         *
+         */
+        class scl_list{
+          const unsigned int d_list_size;
+          const unsigned int d_block_size;
+          const unsigned int d_block_power;
+          const unsigned int d_num_buff_elements;
+          std::vector<path*> d_path_list;
+          unsigned int d_active_path_counter;
+          unsigned int d_active_pos;
-        float update_path_metric(const float last_pm, const float llr, const 
float ui) const;
-        void duplicate_path(path* target, const path* original);
-        void branch_paths(path* target, path* original, const float llr);
-        void steal_vector_ownership(path* target, path* original);
-        void reset();
+          float update_path_metric(const float last_pm, const float llr, const 
float ui) const;
+          void duplicate_path(path* target, const path* original);
+          void branch_paths(path* target, path* original, const float llr);
+          void steal_vector_ownership(path* target, path* original);
+          void reset();
-        // comparator for std::sort
-        static bool path_compare(path* first, path* second) {
-          return first->path_metric < second->path_metric;
-        };
+          // comparator for std::sort
+          static bool path_compare(path* first, path* second) {
+            return first->path_metric < second->path_metric;
+          };
-      public:
-        scl_list(const unsigned int list_size, const unsigned int block_size,
-                 const unsigned int block_power);
-        virtual
-        ~scl_list();
-        const unsigned int size() const {return d_list_size;};
-        const unsigned int active_size() const {return d_active_path_counter;};
+        public:
+          scl_list(const unsigned int list_size, const unsigned int block_size,
+                   const unsigned int block_power);
+          virtual
+          ~scl_list();
+          const unsigned int size() const {return d_list_size;};
+          const unsigned int active_size() const {return 
-        path* initial_path() const {return d_path_list[0];};
-        path* next_active_path(){return d_path_list[d_active_pos++];};
-        void set_frozen_bit(const unsigned char frozen_bit, const int bit_pos);
-        void set_info_bit(const int bit_pos);
-        const path* optimal_path();
-      };
+          path* initial_path() const {return d_path_list[0];};
+          path* next_active_path(){return d_path_list[d_active_pos++];};
+          void set_frozen_bit(const unsigned char frozen_bit, const int 
+          void set_info_bit(const int bit_pos);
+          const path* optimal_path();
+        };
-    } /* namespace polar */
+      } /* namespace polar */
     } /* namespace code */
   } /* namespace fec */
 } /* namespace gr */

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