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[Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 03/07: Fix up QA tests: test windowing func

From: git
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] [gnuradio] 03/07: Fix up QA tests: test windowing function
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 04:44:36 +0000 (UTC)

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jcorgan pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnuradio.

commit e31acebdf04de148216d1a4f5f747b0fe2250256
Author: Doug Geiger <address@hidden>
Date:   Thu Sep 17 14:20:41 2015 -0400

    Fix up QA tests: test windowing function
    Add a QA test for a real windowing function (hamming in this case).
    Move common code to setUp method.
    Remove unused method.
    Minor spacing fixes for readability.
 gr-fft/python/fft/ | 260 ++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 107 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)

diff --git a/gr-fft/python/fft/ b/gr-fft/python/fft/
index cc8a085..ec731fd 100755
--- a/gr-fft/python/fft/
+++ b/gr-fft/python/fft/
@@ -19,195 +19,149 @@
 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import sys
-import random
 from gnuradio import gr, gr_unittest, fft, blocks
-primes = (2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,
-          59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97,101,103,107,109,113,127,131,
-          137,139,149,151,157,163,167,173,179,181,191,193,197,199,211,223,
-          227,229,233,239,241,251,257,263,269,271,277,281,283,293,307,311)
+primes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53,
+          59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 
+          137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 
199, 211, 223,
+          227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 
293, 307, 311)
+primes_transformed = ((4377 + 4516j),
+                      (-1706.1268310546875 + 1638.4256591796875j),
+                      (-915.2083740234375 + 660.69427490234375j),
+                      (-660.370361328125 + 381.59600830078125j),
+                      (-499.96044921875 + 238.41630554199219j),
+                      (-462.26748657226562 + 152.88948059082031j),
+                      (-377.98440551757812 + 77.5928955078125j),
+                      (-346.85821533203125 + 47.152004241943359j),
+                      (-295 + 20j),
+                      (-286.33609008789062 - 22.257017135620117j),
+                      (-271.52999877929688 - 33.081821441650391j),
+                      (-224.6358642578125 - 67.019538879394531j),
+                      (-244.24473571777344 - 91.524826049804688j),
+                      (-203.09068298339844 - 108.54627227783203j),
+                      (-198.45195007324219 - 115.90768432617188j),
+                      (-182.97744750976562 - 128.12318420410156j),
+                      (-167 - 180j),
+                      (-130.33688354492188 - 173.83778381347656j),
+                      (-141.19784545898438 - 190.28807067871094j),
+                      (-111.09677124023438 - 214.48896789550781j),
+                      (-70.039543151855469 - 242.41630554199219j),
+                      (-68.960540771484375 - 228.30015563964844j),
+                      (-53.049201965332031 - 291.47097778320312j),
+                      (-28.695289611816406 - 317.64553833007812j),
+                      (57 - 300j),
+                      (45.301143646240234 - 335.69509887695312j),
+                      (91.936195373535156 - 373.32437133789062j),
+                      (172.09465026855469 - 439.275146484375j),
+                      (242.24473571777344 - 504.47515869140625j),
+                      (387.81732177734375 - 666.6788330078125j),
+                      (689.48553466796875 - 918.2142333984375j),
+                      (1646.539306640625 - 1694.1956787109375j))
 class test_fft(gr_unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
-        pass
+        self.tb = gr.top_block()
+        self.fft_size = 32
     def tearDown(self):
     def assert_fft_ok2(self, expected_result, result_data):
         expected_result = expected_result[:len(result_data)]
-        self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual2 (expected_result, result_data,
-                                              abs_eps=1e-9, rel_eps=4e-4)
-    def assert_fft_float_ok2(self, expected_result, result_data, abs_eps=1e-9, 
-        expected_result = expected_result[:len(result_data)]
-        self.assertFloatTuplesAlmostEqual2 (expected_result, result_data,
-                                            abs_eps, rel_eps)
+        self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual2(expected_result, result_data,
+                                             abs_eps=1e-9, rel_eps=4e-4)
     def test_001(self):
-        tb = gr.top_block()
-        fft_size = 32
-        src_data = tuple([complex(primes[2*i], primes[2*i+1]) for i in 
-        expected_result = ((4377+4516j),
-                           (-1706.1268310546875+1638.4256591796875j),
-                           (-915.2083740234375+660.69427490234375j),
-                           (-660.370361328125+381.59600830078125j),
-                           (-499.96044921875+238.41630554199219j),
-                           (-462.26748657226562+152.88948059082031j),
-                           (-377.98440551757812+77.5928955078125j),
-                           (-346.85821533203125+47.152004241943359j),
-                           (-295+20j),
-                           (-286.33609008789062-22.257017135620117j),
-                           (-271.52999877929688-33.081821441650391j),
-                           (-224.6358642578125-67.019538879394531j),
-                           (-244.24473571777344-91.524826049804688j),
-                           (-203.09068298339844-108.54627227783203j),
-                           (-198.45195007324219-115.90768432617188j),
-                           (-182.97744750976562-128.12318420410156j),
-                           (-167-180j),
-                           (-130.33688354492188-173.83778381347656j),
-                           (-141.19784545898438-190.28807067871094j),
-                           (-111.09677124023438-214.48896789550781j),
-                           (-70.039543151855469-242.41630554199219j),
-                           (-68.960540771484375-228.30015563964844j),
-                           (-53.049201965332031-291.47097778320312j),
-                           (-28.695289611816406-317.64553833007812j),
-                           (57-300j),
-                           (45.301143646240234-335.69509887695312j),
-                           (91.936195373535156-373.32437133789062j),
-                           (172.09465026855469-439.275146484375j),
-                           (242.24473571777344-504.47515869140625j),
-                           (387.81732177734375-666.6788330078125j),
-                           (689.48553466796875-918.2142333984375j),
-                           (1646.539306640625-1694.1956787109375j))
+        src_data = tuple([complex(primes[2 * i], primes[2 * i + 1]) for i in 
+        expected_result = primes_transformed
         src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
-        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
-        op  = fft.fft_vcc(fft_size, True, [], False)
-        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
+        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
+        op = fft.fft_vcc(self.fft_size, True, [], False)
+        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
         dst = blocks.vector_sink_c()
-        tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
+        self.tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
         result_data =
-        #print 'expected:', expected_result
-        #print 'results: ', result_data
-        #self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual (expected_result, result_data, 5)
         self.assert_fft_ok2(expected_result, result_data)
     def test_002(self):
-        tb = gr.top_block()
-        fft_size = 32
-        tmp_data = ((4377+4516j),
-                    (-1706.1268310546875+1638.4256591796875j),
-                    (-915.2083740234375+660.69427490234375j),
-                    (-660.370361328125+381.59600830078125j),
-                    (-499.96044921875+238.41630554199219j),
-                    (-462.26748657226562+152.88948059082031j),
-                    (-377.98440551757812+77.5928955078125j),
-                    (-346.85821533203125+47.152004241943359j),
-                    (-295+20j),
-                    (-286.33609008789062-22.257017135620117j),
-                    (-271.52999877929688-33.081821441650391j),
-                    (-224.6358642578125-67.019538879394531j),
-                    (-244.24473571777344-91.524826049804688j),
-                    (-203.09068298339844-108.54627227783203j),
-                    (-198.45195007324219-115.90768432617188j),
-                    (-182.97744750976562-128.12318420410156j),
-                    (-167-180j),
-                    (-130.33688354492188-173.83778381347656j),
-                    (-141.19784545898438-190.28807067871094j),
-                    (-111.09677124023438-214.48896789550781j),
-                    (-70.039543151855469-242.41630554199219j),
-                    (-68.960540771484375-228.30015563964844j),
-                    (-53.049201965332031-291.47097778320312j),
-                    (-28.695289611816406-317.64553833007812j),
-                    (57-300j),
-                    (45.301143646240234-335.69509887695312j),
-                    (91.936195373535156-373.32437133789062j),
-                    (172.09465026855469-439.275146484375j),
-                    (242.24473571777344-504.47515869140625j),
-                    (387.81732177734375-666.6788330078125j),
-                    (689.48553466796875-918.2142333984375j),
-                    (1646.539306640625-1694.1956787109375j))
-        src_data = tuple([x/fft_size for x in tmp_data])
-        expected_result = tuple([complex(primes[2*i], primes[2*i+1]) for i in 
+        src_data = tuple([x / self.fft_size for x in primes_transformed])
+        expected_result = tuple([complex(primes[2 * i], primes[2 * i + 1]) for 
i in range(self.fft_size)])
         src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
-        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
-        op  = fft.fft_vcc(fft_size, False, [], False)
-        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
+        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
+        op = fft.fft_vcc(self.fft_size, False, [], False)
+        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
         dst = blocks.vector_sink_c()
-        tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
+        self.tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
         result_data =
-        #print 'expected:', expected_result
-        #print 'results: ', result_data
-        #self.assertComplexTuplesAlmostEqual (expected_result, result_data, 5)
         self.assert_fft_ok2(expected_result, result_data)
     def test_003(self):
         # Same test as above, only use 2 threads
+        src_data = tuple([x / self.fft_size for x in primes_transformed])
+        expected_result = tuple([complex(primes[2 * i], primes[2 * i + 1]) for 
i in range(self.fft_size)])
+        nthreads = 2
-        tb = gr.top_block()
-        fft_size = 32
-        tmp_data = ((4377+4516j),
-                    (-1706.1268310546875+1638.4256591796875j),
-                    (-915.2083740234375+660.69427490234375j),
-                    (-660.370361328125+381.59600830078125j),
-                    (-499.96044921875+238.41630554199219j),
-                    (-462.26748657226562+152.88948059082031j),
-                    (-377.98440551757812+77.5928955078125j),
-                    (-346.85821533203125+47.152004241943359j),
-                    (-295+20j),
-                    (-286.33609008789062-22.257017135620117j),
-                    (-271.52999877929688-33.081821441650391j),
-                    (-224.6358642578125-67.019538879394531j),
-                    (-244.24473571777344-91.524826049804688j),
-                    (-203.09068298339844-108.54627227783203j),
-                    (-198.45195007324219-115.90768432617188j),
-                    (-182.97744750976562-128.12318420410156j),
-                    (-167-180j),
-                    (-130.33688354492188-173.83778381347656j),
-                    (-141.19784545898438-190.28807067871094j),
-                    (-111.09677124023438-214.48896789550781j),
-                    (-70.039543151855469-242.41630554199219j),
-                    (-68.960540771484375-228.30015563964844j),
-                    (-53.049201965332031-291.47097778320312j),
-                    (-28.695289611816406-317.64553833007812j),
-                    (57-300j),
-                    (45.301143646240234-335.69509887695312j),
-                    (91.936195373535156-373.32437133789062j),
-                    (172.09465026855469-439.275146484375j),
-                    (242.24473571777344-504.47515869140625j),
-                    (387.81732177734375-666.6788330078125j),
-                    (689.48553466796875-918.2142333984375j),
-                    (1646.539306640625-1694.1956787109375j))
-        src_data = tuple([x/fft_size for x in tmp_data])
-        expected_result = tuple([complex(primes[2*i], primes[2*i+1]) for i in 
+        src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
+        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
+        op = fft.fft_vcc(self.fft_size, False, [], False, nthreads)
+        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
+        dst = blocks.vector_sink_c()
+        self.tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
+        result_data =
+        self.assert_fft_ok2(expected_result, result_data)
-        nthreads = 2
+    def test_windows(self):
+        src_data = tuple([complex(primes[2 * i], primes[2 * i + 1]) for i in 
+        expected_result = ((2238.9174 + 2310.4750j),
+                           (-1603.7416 - 466.7420j),
+                           (116.7449 - 70.8553j),
+                           (-13.9157 + 19.0855j),
+                           (-4.8283 + 16.7025j),
+                           (-43.7425 + 16.9871j),
+                           (-16.1904 + 1.7494j),
+                           (-32.3797 + 6.9964j),
+                           (-13.5283 + 7.7721j),
+                           (-24.3276 - 7.5378j),
+                           (-29.2711 + 4.5709j),
+                           (-2.7124 - 6.6307j),
+                           (-33.5486 - 8.3485j),
+                           (-8.3016 - 9.9534j),
+                           (-18.8590 - 8.3501j),
+                           (-13.9092 - 1.1396j),
+                           (-17.7626 - 26.9281j),
+                           (0.0182 - 8.9000j),
+                           (-19.9143 - 14.1320j),
+                           (-10.3073 - 15.5759j),
+                           (3.5800 - 29.1835j),
+                           (-7.5263 - 1.5900j),
+                           (-3.0392 - 31.7445j),
+                           (-15.1355 - 33.6158j),
+                           (28.2345 - 11.4373j),
+                           (-6.0055 - 27.0418j),
+                           (5.2074 - 21.2431j),
+                           (23.1617 - 31.8610j),
+                           (13.6494 - 11.1982j),
+                           (14.7145 - 14.4113j),
+                           (-60.0053 + 114.7418j),
+                           (-440.1561 - 1632.9807j))
+        window = fft.window_hamming(ntaps=self.fft_size)
         src = blocks.vector_source_c(src_data)
-        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
-        op  = fft.fft_vcc(fft_size, False, [], False, nthreads)
-        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, fft_size)
+        s2v = blocks.stream_to_vector(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
+        op = fft.fft_vcc(self.fft_size, True, window, False)
+        v2s = blocks.vector_to_stream(gr.sizeof_gr_complex, self.fft_size)
         dst = blocks.vector_sink_c()
-        tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
+        self.tb.connect(src, s2v, op, v2s, dst)
         result_data =
         self.assert_fft_ok2(expected_result, result_data)
 if __name__ == '__main__':, "test_fft.xml")

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