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[Commit-gnuradio] r11152 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/g

From: jblum
Subject: [Commit-gnuradio] r11152 - in gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python: . forms
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 00:33:57 -0600 (MDT)

Author: jblum
Date: 2009-05-27 00:33:57 -0600 (Wed, 27 May 2009)
New Revision: 11152

Added guage to forms module and implemented in number window.
Removed wx gui stuff in common.

Modified: gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python/
--- gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python/      
2009-05-27 01:56:07 UTC (rev 11151)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python/      
2009-05-27 06:33:57 UTC (rev 11152)
@@ -71,168 +71,6 @@
                        self._controller[self._msg_key] = msg.to_string()
-# WX Shared Classes
-import math
-import wx
-EVT_DATA = wx.PyEventBinder(wx.NewEventType())
-class DataEvent(wx.PyEvent):
-       def __init__(self, data):
-               wx.PyEvent.__init__(self, wx.NewId(), EVT_DATA.typeId)
-      = data
-class LabelText(wx.StaticText):
-       """
-       Label text to give the wx plots a uniform look.
-       Get the default label text and set the font bold.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, parent, label):
-               wx.StaticText.__init__(self, parent, label=label)
-               font = self.GetFont()
-               font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
-               self.SetFont(font)
-class LabelBox(wx.BoxSizer):
-       def __init__(self, parent, label, widget):
-               wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.HORIZONTAL)
-               self.Add(wx.StaticText(parent, label=' %s '%label), 1, 
-               self.Add(widget, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT)
-class IncrDecrButtons(wx.BoxSizer):
-       """
-       A horizontal box sizer with a increment and a decrement button.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, parent, on_incr, on_decr):
-               """
-               @param parent the parent window
-               @param on_incr the event handler for increment
-               @param on_decr the event handler for decrement
-               """
-               wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.HORIZONTAL)
-               self._incr_button = wx.Button(parent, label='+', 
-               self._incr_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, on_incr)
-               self.Add(self._incr_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
-               self._decr_button = wx.Button(parent, label=' - ', 
-               self._decr_button.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, on_decr)
-               self.Add(self._decr_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL)
-       def Disable(self): self.Enable(False)
-       def Enable(self, enable=True):
-               if enable:
-                       self._incr_button.Enable()
-                       self._decr_button.Enable()
-               else:
-                       self._incr_button.Disable()
-                       self._decr_button.Disable()
-class ToggleButtonController(wx.Button):
-       def __init__(self, parent, controller, control_key, true_label, 
-               self._controller = controller
-               self._control_key = control_key
-               wx.Button.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT)
-               self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._evt_button)
-               controller.subscribe(control_key, lambda x: self.SetLabel(x and 
true_label or false_label))
-       def _evt_button(self, e):
-               self._controller[self._control_key] = not 
-class CheckBoxController(wx.CheckBox):
-       def __init__(self, parent, label, controller, control_key):
-               self._controller = controller
-               self._control_key = control_key
-               wx.CheckBox.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.CHK_2STATE, 
-               self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self._evt_checkbox)
-               controller.subscribe(control_key, lambda x: 
-       def _evt_checkbox(self, e):
-               self._controller[self._control_key] = bool(e.IsChecked())
-from gnuradio import eng_notation
-class TextBoxController(wx.TextCtrl):
-       def __init__(self, parent, controller, control_key, cast=float):
-               self._controller = controller
-               self._control_key = control_key
-               self._cast = cast
-               wx.TextCtrl.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER)
-               self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self._evt_enter)
-               controller.subscribe(control_key, lambda x: 
-       def _evt_enter(self, e):
-               try: self._controller[self._control_key] = 
-               except: self._controller[self._control_key] = 
-class LogSliderController(wx.BoxSizer):
-       """
-       Log slider controller with display label and slider.
-       Gives logarithmic scaling to slider operation.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, parent, prefix, min_exp, max_exp, slider_steps, 
controller, control_key, formatter=lambda x: ': %.6f'%x):
-               self._prefix = prefix
-               self._min_exp = min_exp
-               self._max_exp = max_exp
-               self._controller = controller
-               self._control_key = control_key
-               self._formatter = formatter
-               wx.BoxSizer.__init__(self, wx.VERTICAL)
-               self._label = wx.StaticText(parent, label=prefix + 
-               self.Add(self._label, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-               self._slider = wx.Slider(parent, minValue=0, 
maxValue=slider_steps, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL)
-               self.Add(self._slider, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-               self._slider.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self._on_slider_event)
-               controller.subscribe(control_key, self._on_controller_set)
-       def _get_slope(self):
-               return float(self._max_exp-self._min_exp)/self._slider.GetMax()
-       def _on_slider_event(self, e):
-               self._controller[self._control_key] = 
10**(self._get_slope()*self._slider.GetValue() + self._min_exp)
-       def _on_controller_set(self, value):
-               self._label.SetLabel(self._prefix + self._formatter(value))
-               slider_value = 
-               slider_value = min(max(self._slider.GetMin(), slider_value), 
-               if abs(slider_value - self._slider.GetValue()) > 1:
-                       self._slider.SetValue(slider_value)
-       def Disable(self): self.Enable(False)
-       def Enable(self, enable=True):
-               if enable:
-                       self._slider.Enable()
-                       self._label.Enable()
-               else:
-                       self._slider.Disable()
-                       self._label.Disable()
-class DropDownController(wx.Choice):
-       """
-       Drop down controller with label and chooser.
-       Srop down selection from a set of choices.
-       """
-       def __init__(self, parent, choices, controller, control_key, size=(-1, 
-               """
-               @param parent the parent window
-               @param choices a list of tuples -> (label, value)
-               @param controller the prop val controller
-               @param control_key the prop key for this control
-               """
-               self._controller = controller
-               self._control_key = control_key
-               self._choices = choices
-               wx.Choice.__init__(self, parent, choices=[c[0] for c in 
choices], size=size)
-               self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self._on_chooser_event)
-               controller.subscribe(control_key, self._on_controller_set)
-       def _on_chooser_event(self, e):
-               self._controller[self._control_key] = 
-       def _on_controller_set(self, value):
-               #only set the chooser if the value is a possible choice
-               for i, choice in enumerate(self._choices):
-                       if value == choice[1]: self.SetSelection(i)
 # Shared Functions
 import numpy

    2009-05-27 01:56:07 UTC (rev 11151)
    2009-05-27 06:33:57 UTC (rev 11152)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
        radio_buttons, drop_down, notebook, \
        button, toggle_button, single_button, \
        check_box, text_box, static_text, \
-       slider, log_slider, \
+       slider, log_slider, gauge, \
        make_bold, DataEvent, EVT_DATA
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
 import wx
 class static_box_sizer(wx.StaticBoxSizer):
-       def __init__(self, parent, label='', sizer=None, bold=False, 
+       def __init__(self, parent, label='', bold=False, sizer=None, 
orient=wx.VERTICAL, proportion=0, flag=wx.EXPAND):
                box = wx.StaticBox(parent=parent, label=label)
                if bold: make_bold(box)
                wx.StaticBoxSizer.__init__(self, box=box, orient=orient)
-               if sizer: sizer.Add(self, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+               if sizer: sizer.Add(self, proportion, flag)
 class incr_decr_buttons(wx.BoxSizer):

--- gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/ 
2009-05-27 01:56:07 UTC (rev 11151)
+++ gnuradio/branches/developers/jblum/wxgui/gr-wxgui/src/python/forms/ 
2009-05-27 06:33:57 UTC (rev 11152)
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@
   * Add @flag to docstrings
-  * Remove stuff in common
+  * docstrings for classes in init
+  * add gauge that impls slider base
 EXT_KEY = 'external'
@@ -251,7 +252,6 @@
        @param style wx.SL_HORIZONTAL or wx.SL_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
        @param minimum the minimum value
        @param maximum the maximum value
-       @param base the exponent base
        @param num_steps the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
        @param step_size the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
        @param cast a cast function, int, or float (default=float)
@@ -288,6 +288,45 @@
                _slider_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, 
num_steps=num_steps, **kwargs)
+# Gauge Form
+class gauge(_form_base):
+       """
+       A gauge bar.
+       The gauge displays floating point values between the minimum and 
+       @param parent the parent widget
+       @param sizer add this widget to sizer if provided (optional)
+       @param proportion the proportion when added to the sizer (default=0)
+       @param ps the pubsub object (optional)
+       @param key the pubsub key (optional)
+       @param value the default value (optional)
+       @param label title label for this widget (optional)
+       @param length the length of the slider in px (optional)
+       @param style wx.GA_HORIZONTAL or wx.GA_VERTICAL (default=horizontal)
+       @param minimum the minimum value
+       @param maximum the maximum value
+       @param num_steps the number of slider steps (or specify step_size)
+       @param step_size the step between slider jumps (or specify num_steps)
+       """
+       def __init__(self, label='', length=-1, minimum=-100, maximum=100, 
num_steps=100, step_size=None, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL, **kwargs):
+               assert step_size or num_steps
+               if step_size is not None: num_steps = (maximum - 
+               converter = converters.slider_converter(minimum=minimum, 
maximum=maximum, num_steps=num_steps, cast=float)
+               _form_base.__init__(self, converter=converter, **kwargs)
+               if style & wx.SL_HORIZONTAL: gauge_size = wx.Size(length, -1)
+               elif style & wx.SL_VERTICAL: gauge_size = wx.Size(-1, length)
+               else: raise NotImplementedError
+               self._gauge = wx.Gauge(self._parent, range=num_steps, 
size=gauge_size, style=style)
+               self._add_widget(self._gauge, label, flag=wx.EXPAND)
+       def _update(self, value): self._gauge.SetValue(value)
+       def Hide(self, hide=True): self.Show(not hide)
+       def Show(self, show=True):
+               if show: self._gauge.Show()
+               else: self._gauge.Hide()
 # Check Box Form
 class check_box(_form_base):

    2009-05-27 01:56:07 UTC (rev 11151)
    2009-05-27 06:33:57 UTC (rev 11152)
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
 DEFAULT_NUMBER_RATE = gr.prefs().get_long('wxgui', 'number_rate', 5)
 DEFAULT_WIN_SIZE = (300, 300)
+VALUE_REPR_KEY = 'value_repr'
+VALUE_REAL_KEY = 'value_real'
+VALUE_IMAG_KEY = 'value_imag'
 # Number window control panel
@@ -54,7 +57,7 @@
                @param parent the wx parent window
                self.parent = parent
-               wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER)
+               wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent)
                control_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
                #checkboxes for average and peak hold
@@ -125,8 +128,6 @@
                self.peak_val_imag = NEG_INF
                self.real = real
                self.units = units
-               self.minval = minval
-               self.maxval = maxval
                self.decimal_places = decimal_places
                #proxy the keys
                self.proxy(MSG_KEY, controller, msg_key)
@@ -136,25 +137,38 @@
                #initialize values
                self[PEAK_HOLD_KEY] = peak_hold
                self[RUNNING_KEY] = True
+               self[VALUE_REAL_KEY] = minval
+               self[VALUE_IMAG_KEY] = minval
                #setup the box with display and controls
                self.control_panel = control_panel(self)
                main_box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
-               sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
-               main_box.Add(sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+               sizer = forms.static_box_sizer(
+                       parent=self, sizer=main_box, label=title,
+                       bold=True, orient=wx.VERTICAL, proportion=1,
+               )
                main_box.Add(self.control_panel, 0, wx.EXPAND)
-               sizer.Add(common.LabelText(self, title), 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER)
-               self.text = wx.StaticText(self, size=(size[0], -1))
-               sizer.Add(self.text, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-               self.gauge_real = wx.Gauge(self, range=DEFAULT_GAUGE_RANGE, 
-               self.gauge_imag = wx.Gauge(self, range=DEFAULT_GAUGE_RANGE, 
+               sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+               forms.static_text(
+                       parent=self, sizer=sizer,
+                       ps=self, key=VALUE_REPR_KEY, width=size[0],
+                       converter=forms.str_converter(),
+               )
+               sizer.AddStretchSpacer()
+               self.gauge_real = forms.gauge(
+                       parent=self, sizer=sizer, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL,
+                       ps=self, key=VALUE_REAL_KEY, length=size[0],
+                       minimum=minval, maximum=maxval, 
+               )
+               self.gauge_imag = forms.gauge(
+                       parent=self, sizer=sizer, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL,
+                       ps=self, key=VALUE_IMAG_KEY, length=size[0],
+                       minimum=minval, maximum=maxval, 
+               )
                #hide/show gauges
-               sizer.Add(self.gauge_real, 1, wx.EXPAND)
-               sizer.Add(self.gauge_imag, 1, wx.EXPAND)
                #register events
                self.subscribe(MSG_KEY, self.handle_msg)
-               self.Bind(forms.EVT_DATA, self.update)
        def show_gauges(self, show_gauge):
@@ -169,14 +183,6 @@
        def handle_msg(self, msg):
-               Post this message into a data event.
-               Allow wx to handle the event to avoid threading issues.
-               @param msg the incoming numbersink data
-               """
-               wx.PostEvent(self, forms.DataEvent(msg))
-       def update(self, event):
-               """
                Handle a message from the message queue.
                Convert the string based message into a float or complex.
                If more than one number was read, only take the last number.
@@ -184,29 +190,23 @@
                @param event is the number sample as a character 
                if not self[RUNNING_KEY]: return
-               #set gauge
-               def set_gauge_value(gauge, value):
-                       gauge_val = 
-                       gauge_val = max(0, gauge_val) #clip
-                       gauge_val = min(DEFAULT_GAUGE_RANGE, gauge_val) #clip
-                       gauge.SetValue(gauge_val)
                format_string = "%%.%df"%self.decimal_places
                if self.real:
-                       sample = numpy.fromstring(, numpy.float32)[-1]
+                       sample = numpy.fromstring(msg, numpy.float32)[-1]
                        if self[PEAK_HOLD_KEY]: sample = self.peak_val_real = 
max(self.peak_val_real, sample)
                        label_text = "%s %s"%(format_string%sample, self.units)
-                       set_gauge_value(self.gauge_real, sample)
+                       self[VALUE_REAL_KEY] = sample
-                       sample = numpy.fromstring(, 
+                       sample = numpy.fromstring(msg, numpy.complex64)[-1]
                        if self[PEAK_HOLD_KEY]:
                                self.peak_val_real = max(self.peak_val_real, 
                                self.peak_val_imag = max(self.peak_val_imag, 
                                sample = self.peak_val_real + 
                        label_text = "%s + %sj %s"%(format_string%sample.real, 
format_string%sample.imag, self.units)
-                       set_gauge_value(self.gauge_real, sample.real)
-                       set_gauge_value(self.gauge_imag, sample.imag)
+                       self[VALUE_REAL_KEY] = sample.real
+                       self[VALUE_IMAG_KEY] = sample.imag
                #set label text
-               self.text.SetLabel(label_text)
+               self[VALUE_REPR_KEY] = label_text
                #clear peak hold
                if not self[PEAK_HOLD_KEY]:
                        self.peak_val_real = NEG_INF

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